Although tuberculosis can be prevented and cured, it remains one of the most deadly infectious diseases in the world. Due to the reduction in financing by the United States and other countries, millions of lives are threatened Humanitarian assistance ~ 60 > decades of progress in the fight against tuberculosis under threat in connection with a sharp reduction in financing, especially from the United States, the World Health Organization (WHO) said. Experts recall that tuberculosis is still the most dangerous infectious disease in the world. The consequences are already felt in many countries ~ 60 > BES emphasize that the possibilities of preventing, testing and treatment of this disease are already very limited, millions of people are at risk. Among the most affected regions are Africa, Southeast Asia and the western part of the Pacific Ocean, where the programs to combat tuberculosis largely depend on international support. 60 > “Any violation of the work of the Tuberculosis services-whether financial, political or operational-may have destructive and often fatal fatal fatal fatal ones The consequences for millions of people around the world, ”said Teresa & NBSP; Casaeva, director of the global program of the WHO for tuberculosis and lung health. 62 ~~ 60 > 62 > 62 > 62 ~Last week, the UN Secretary General Antoniu Guterres also expressed anxiety in connection with a reduction in funding, noting that it has already affected key programs for the fight against HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and cholera. 60 > first reports from countries affected by tuberculosis, It is shown that financing restrictions are already leading to the dismantling of the main health care services. Among the most serious problems are the dismissal of medical workers, lack of drugs, malfunctions in supplies chains, collapse of data and supervision systems, as well as malfunctions in tuberculosis studies. 60 > millions of deaths. Prevent 60 > 62 ~ over the past two decades, more than 79 million lives have saved global programs to combat tuberculosis. Last year alone, it was possible to prevent about 3.65 million deaths. To a large extent, this success was due to & NBSP; financing by the US government, which annually provided about $ 200-250 million – about a quarter of the total volume of international donor financing. The United States was the largest donor of programs to combat this disease. ~ 60 > however, the reduction recently declared by the President will have destructive consequences for at least 18 countries. First of all, this will affect the inhabitants of Africa, where, due to interruptions in the treatment and dismissal of personnel, the transfer indicators of tuberculosis will significantly increase. ~ 60 > WHO confirmed the support of government and their partners in the fight against Tuberculosis. life of millions of children under the threat ~ 60 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 ~ 62The reduction in financing will limit the capabilities of the UN children’s fund (UNICEF) to assist millions of children in extreme need. This is stated in the current statement by the head of the Katherine Russell Foundation. ~ 60 > “these abbreviations carried out by numerous donor countries have already preceded two years of assistance in the period when the need for it reached an unprecedented scale. Millions of children suffer due to conflicts, need vaccination from deadly diseases, such as measles and polio, they should also receive education and medical care, ”said the head of the unisef. according to her, the fund is trying to achieve maximum efficiency in its work using innovative approaches. “But we will not be able to cope with these new reductions, they create a global financing crisis that will jeopardize the life of millions of children,” the Russell warned. & Amp; nbsp; ~ 60 >~ 60 > unisef is exclusively funded by the voluntary contributions of governments, partners from the private sector, and individuals. This support, emphasized the head of the fund, helped save millions of children. ~ 60 > “Working with our partners, we achieved historical progress. Since 2000, mortality among children under the age of 5 years at a global level decreased by 50 percent. Millions of children are alive today thanks to this work, ”said the Russell. & Amp; nbsp; ~ 60 >“ UNISEF asks all donors to continue to finance critically important programs to children around the world. We cannot let them down, ”she added. & Amp; nbsp;