The spread of synthetic drugs leads to the restructuring of the markets

Synthetic drugs can have much higher pharmacological activity than drug drugs. The spread of synthetic drugs leads to the restructuring of the markets Peace and safety As noted in the annual report of the International Committee for Drug Control (ICD) for 2024, in recent years, the rapid growth in the scale of manufacturing and using synthetic drugs has been creating significant problems for healthcare systems and the international drug control system. In this regard, the ICK calls for more decisive actions to combat synthetic drugs. deadly problem Synthetic drugs can have much higher pharmacological activity than drug drugs, and in a short time they became a deadly problem, because of which hundreds of thousands of people die annually. An increase in demand leads to the fact that synthetic drugs are made and introduced into illegal circulation without much difficulties, and criminal structures increase drug production and get even greater financial benefits. ~ 60 > ~ 60 > for example, nitazene move as “synthetic heroin”; Their use has already led to confirmed cases of an overdose in Poland and Estonia, and Ireland and France have already reported on cases of seizure. European countries are still not ready for the appearance of nitazen in their markets, say experts of the ICKN. production and turnover of synthetic drugs ~ 60 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 ~The process of manufacturing synthetic substances developed with the aim of simulating the action of drug drugs, but having much higher pharmacological activity, is quite simple, does not require deep technical or scientific knowledge and experience and is associated with less labor costs and operational costs. The spread of such psychoactive substances, including synthetic opioids of non -medical appointment, opens up almost endless opportunities for the radical restructuring of drug markets. ~ 60 > 60 >For criminal structures, the manufacture of synthetic drugs has some advantages in comparison with the manufacture and illegal trafficking of vegetable drugs: you can use various precursors, and often regulatory and law enforcement agencies in their work on the production of such substances are controlled in the position of catching up. In the manufacture of drugs of plant origin, large areas of the Earth and significant human resources are needed for planting, harvesting and processing the crop, and the plants themselves can suffer due to weather conditions and can be detected by satellites and forcibly destroyed. In the manufacture of synthetic drugs, there is no need for significant labor costs or territories for plant growing. Production can be established anywhere, and often this is done closer to transit countries or destination markets. The addition of fentanil, carpentanil or nitazen in the manufacture of synthetic drugs increases their pharmacological activity, often to a level leading to death. Since more potent synthetic opioids have an increasingly higher pharmacological activity in relation to mass, smaller volumes of substances that are more difficult to detect. ~ 60 > ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ > in order to reduce operational costs and increase the promotion of their activities, drug trafficks change methods manufacturing, movement and sale of drugs. To cross small batches of synthetic drugs of smaller masses that are easier to hide, various methods of smuggling are used, for example, unmanned aerial vehicles, couriers and postal services. ~ 60 >~ 60 > consequences for health and society 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 ~ 62In addition to the fact that in some places there is a rapid increase in mortality from overdose, laboratory and scientific studies indicate that a number of such synthetic substances are a risk of health and physical and physical dependence and lead to the development of narcological disorders. The greatest risk of an overdose is associated with the use of synthetic opioids, however, other synthetic drugs also pose a serious danger to people who use them. MDMA, widely known as ecstasies, amphetamines, ketamine and substances such as “K2” or “spice”-all of them have severe and long-term health consequences. synthetic drugs can create additional risks and threats to the safety and health of people due to dangerous processes of their manufacture and illegal momentum. Toxic evaporates, fires and explosions can threaten the safety of manufacturers, employees of emergency response services and law enforcement agencies and other persons. complexity of regulation 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62Since drug dealers can quickly proceed to the use of new precursors and pre -regional urces for the manufacture of synthetic drugs, controlling and regulating organs are constantly in the catch -up position. 60 > In the future, drug dealers will probably find ways to use artificial intelligence to determine new molecular structures of chemicals – & nbsp; precursors and pre -reconstruction, which will serve as an additional effective tool for them, which will allow them to ahead of the control and regulation modes in their actions. ~ 60 > recommendations for politics ~ 60 > 62 > 62 >The states and institutions have created a lot of mechanisms, but a comprehensive coordinated strategy is needed, which would sufficiently prepare to strengthen the threat of illegal trafficking in synthetic drugs. The MKKN report contains a number of recommendations developed for governments and relevant competent authorities on coordination at the intra -state level, early warning and constant monitoring, informing the population, preventing, treatment and restoration of disability. The implementation of recommendations can lead to more thorough and consistent laboratory tests in order to more efficiently protect people, improve the exchange of information and compile based on the operational data of the full picture of the functioning of synthetic drug circuits, their work methods and the nature of the activity 60 > development of public-private partnerships can contribute to a more active involvement Websites and platforms of electronic trade in the work of identifying criminal activity and the exchange of operational information with competent authorities. ~ 60 > as the industry of prohibited synthetic drugs continues to develop rapidly, new problems arise that require immediate takeup to solve them. Otherwise, criminal structures will continue to use loopholes in the legislation and create new synthetic substances that pose a great danger to people. Member of the member states can take effective measures to find a way out of the extremely difficult situation with the manufacture, illegal trafficking and the consumption of prohibited drugs. 62 ~


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