Meeting of the General Assembly. Photo from the archive The UN General Assembly adopted the resolution proposed by Russia according to the 80th anniversary of the end of World War II UN The document that was adopted without voting contains to unite around the UN in the fight against international security threats, as well as “do everything possible” in order to resolve all disputes in peaceful means in accordance with the UN Charter. 62 > authors of the resolution recall the tragedy that humanity survived during the Second World War, and note the progress achieved in overcoming its heritage and “promoting democratic values, human rights and fundamental freedoms, in particular within the framework of the united Nations. & Amp; nbsp; 60 ~ p > in particular, the authors of the document urge countries to refrain from threat or its use both against the territorial inviolability or political independence of any state, and in any other way incomprehensible with goals UN “. & Amp; nbsp; The resolution also proposes to the countries to celebrate the eightieth anniversary of the World War II, and the chairman of the General Assembly hold a special solemn meeting of the GA “In memory of all the victims of World War II during the second week of May in 2025 and subsequently hold such meetings every five Years “. & nbsp; ~ 60 > co -authors of the resolution proposed by Russia were several countries, including Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, China, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Turkmenistan, Turkmenistan Uzbekistan. & Amp; nbsp; regional center in Almaty ~ 60 > in Tuesday the General Assembly adopted several more resolutions, including the document proposed by Kazakhstani, establishing the regional center goals in the field of sustainable development for Central Asia and Afghanistan. 60 > center, which should open in Almaty, Kazakhstan, will work on the implementation of regional projects and programs aimed at assisting the region of the region in providing sustainable development in all its three – economic, social and environmental – components in close coordination with close coordination from The relevant UN institutions. & nbsp; resolution proposed by Kazakhstan was also adopted without voting. Its co -authors were dozens of states. & Amp; nbsp; ~ 60 > other resolutions, the General Assembly established the International Day of peaceful coexistence and international hope day. & Amp; nbsp; 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 ~