Underwater cables provide 99 percent of international data traffic. In Nigeria, the International Summit for the Protection of Underwater Cables started Economic development Today in the capital of Nigeria, Abuja, the international summit on the stability of underwater cables has started. As noted in the International Union of Power Supervision (ITU)-the UN agency specializing in communication technologies-underwater cables provide the transfer of 99 percent of international Internet traffic and data traffic, including financial transactions and government communication. 62 > 62 > 62 ~ at the same time they are subject to risks associated with fishing, movement of ships, human activity on the seabed, as well as earthquakes and other natural disasters. Politics and regulatory frames in this area vary from country to country, which prevents regular maintenance of underwater cables. That is why the ITU decided to provide protection for underwater cables. At the end of 2024, a new international advisory body was created to ensure the stability of underwater cables, and it was also decided to conduct a annual summit on this issue. Its goal is to promote global cooperation, ensure innovative decisions and attract the government, representatives of industry and international organizations to strengthen this most important global digital infrastructure. 60 > amid the increase in the number of cases of damage to sea cables The summit will become a key platform to protect the world underwater the cable network, the length of which is 1.4 million kilometers. digital inequality Over the past 10 years, the Internet has become the basis for almost every aspect of modern social and economic life. Moreover, not all groups of the population have constant and reliable access to the World Wide Web and other digital instruments. It is noted that in countries with low income due to damage to sea cables and the high cost of underwater repair work, people sometimes lose access to the Internet for entire days or even weeks. 62 ~~ 60 > International Union Electric communication set himself the task of ensuring uninterrupted access to digital technologies for all residents of the planet. About this in the article published on the organization’s website, said the deputy of its general secretary Thomas Lamanauskas. ITU, which includes 194 states and more than a thousand representatives of the industry, academic circles and civil society, forms the future of telecommunications, controls the distribution of the radio frequency spectrum, establishes international technical standards and contributes to the digital development of low -income communities around the whole world. 60 ~ h2 > digital infrastructure for all ~ 60 > 62 ~ Today, about two -thirds of the world’s population use the Internet, compared to less than half in 2015. Covid-19 pandemic emphasized the need to connect in all parts of the world. 60 > in 2024 the ITU launched the investment initiative in the digital infrastructure aimed & nbsp; private sectors in order to ensure digital communication for all. 62 “green” digitalization One of the tasks of the ITU is to ensure that countries and organizations around the world can use the potential technology potential to support measures to combat climate change. At the same time, the organization directly deals with the problem of exposure to digital technologies on the climate. 60 > Over the past two years, ITU has mobilized partners for monitoring and reducing emissions related to digital technologies, the adoption of “green »Standards and building an economy of closed Cycle. 60 > declaration of actions aimed at creating “green” digital technologies, presented at the UN Climate Change (KS-29), received approval of more than 75 countries and almost 1800 companies, research institutes and other organizations throughout The world. 60 ~ h2 > use II for the benefit of mankind ~ 60 > created on the basis of the II Platform “AI FOR” (Ai for Good) develops key and promoting AIs and promotes AI. In Geneva, from 8 to 11 July, the World summit AI for Good. ~ 60 > Read also: on The UN base has been created an international body for protecting underwater cables