Junctad: The world is experiencing polycrysis, and Africa is located on the front edge
Rebka Grinspen: “Increasing stability will allow Africa to use the numerous opportunities that open before it in the future.” Junctad: The world is experiencing polycrysis, and Africa is located on the front edge Economic development the world is experiencing polycrysis, and Africa is in the front edge. This is stated in Monday reported on Monday, the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). “recent crises fell on the African continent to be a large extent,” said the report, general secretary of the Junktad Rebeck Grinnspen. – Increasing stability will allow Africa to use the numerous capabilities that open before it in the future. ”The economy of African countries is constantly exposed to a number of external shocks-due to dependence on the export of raw materials, high levels of debt and limited technological infrastructure. Violation of global trading routes led to a significant increase in transport and trade expenses of African countries. In 2024, the tariffs for sea transportation in Africa are 115 percent higher than the level that existed before the pandemic of coronavirus. At the same time, official assistance to Africa in order to develop in 2022 & NBSP; It decreased by 4.1 percent. ~ 60 > “I hope that the new edition of this report will inspire politicians to take urgent measures in our difficult time,” said Ribka Greenpan. political upheaval ~ 60 > in 2021 the General Secretary of the United Nations Antonio Guterres noted “the explosive growth of the number of seizures of power by force” in Africa: Since 1950, 220 out of 492 attempts to seize power or successful state coups on the planet occurred in Africa. 45 of 54 countries of the region survived this kind of shock. In recent years, the tendency to violent seizure of power in Africa intensified. The resumption of coups, the authors of the report note, creates a risk for peace and democratic progress, and also contributes to problems in the economy. & Amp; nbsp; Moreover, there are fears that even the modest progress that was achieved in the establishment of a democratic government in Africa may be at risk. ~ 60 > according to the data given in the report, in the greatest Sudan, South Sudan, Somalia, Libya, Burundi, Egypt and Equatorial Guinea are exposed to the risk of political shocks. Well protected from the political shocks of Botswan, Cabo-Verde and Seychelles. & Amp; nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; ~ 60 > economic shocks External economic shocks that African countries are subject to well studied. Many African states are forced to carry out structural restructuring programs – most often in order to receive financial support from international financial institutions. In recent decades, in connection with a boom in raw materials, the global financial crisis and pandemia Covid-19, the emphasis has shifted towards the requirements of rational macroeconomic management in the conditions of the volatility of the prices for raw materials and oil and demand for the main markets of African exports. according to the authors of the report, the risk of economic upheavals are most prone to Mozambique, South Sudan, Zambia, Congo and Angola. Malawi, Egypt, South Africa and Algeria have a relatively stable economic foundation. ~ 60 > demographic risks 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 ~The third category of external shocks is associated with the influence of demographic changes in Africa and in the main economic and trading partners of the region. The situation in partner countries is characterized by a noticeable slowdown in the growth of the population, especially among young people. For example, while the population in the European Union (27 Member States) in the period 1960-2022. increased by 92.3 million people, the share of the EU in the world population decreased from 12 percent in 1960 to six-in 2022, ~ 60 > in Africa demographic changes are characterized by an increase in share Africans in the world population and an increase in the number of people of working age. The influx of youth in the African markets will be accompanied by a significant increase in labor productivity and an increase in investment in the development of skills and technological progress. according to the reports, demographic risks are most prone to the Seychelles, the Seychelles, the Seychelles, Djibuti, Libya, Gabon, Gambia and Botswan, in the smallest – Madagascar and Niger. energy shocks ~ 60 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 >Global energy markets are in a state of extreme instability. This is the most noticeable on the example of the energy-based and volatility of prices provoked by pandemia Covid-19, and then reinforced by geopolitical tension, such as the war in Ukraine. ~ 60 > 60 > turbulence in energy markets, especially fossils Fuel, increases risks for energy safety. Africa countries are also subject to changes in the value and availability of energy. The greatest risk of energy crisis is characteristic of Nigeria, Libya, Cameroon, Angola and Gabon. A relatively stable situation in this area is observed in a number of countries, including Mali, Mauritania, Burundi, Malawi and Lesotho. inadequate response measures ~ 60 > climate change and inadequate response measures to it also affect the degree of risk of instability in Africa countries. Dangerous climatic phenomena increase risks for investment and trading projects. Agriculture, food production, tourism, reservoir production and transport. ~ 60 > 60 > in the zone of increased climatic risk are especially susceptible to climatic risk. Nigeria. Botswana, cabinet, Mauritania, Seychelles and South Africa are best protected. & Amp; nbsp; & nbsp;