Members of the Independent Institute for missing Affairs in Syria completed a visit to the country
More than two million Syrians still live in temporary shelters. Members of the Independent Institute for missing Affairs in Syria completed a visit to the country Peace and safety The head of the Independent Institute for the Affairs of Disables in Syria, Karl Kintan and a group of employees of this organization completed their first trip to the country. In the regime of Assad, they were not allowed into the country. Two months after its overthrow & nbsp; Syria could have been possible to search for tens of thousands of missing, emphasized in an independent institute. “Everyone in Syria knows someone who is missing. Each of us has missing loved ones ”, such words were repeatedly heard by members of the delegation during the visit, the institute’s statement says. 60 ~ h2 > path to the truth Representatives of the Independent Institute, together with international forensic experts and members of the affairs of the missing people, met with interested parties, including the Syrian authorities and civilian organizations. ~ 60 > ~ 60 > they visited & nbsp; Daraye and Tadamon , especially those injured during the war – thousands of & nbsp; local residents were forcibly displaced. Experts also visited the infamous prison of Sednaya and examined the burial place near the Baghdad bridge in the suburbs of Damascus. ~ 60 >~ 60 > read also: 60 ~ h3 > independent UN commission: the former Syrian government systematically used torture ~ 60 > 62 > 62 >“It is necessary to realize the scale of the tragedy that has unfolded over more than 50 years of regime, including 14 years of war, accompanied by massive human rights. In this context, the establishment of the personalities of the missing should be the first step towards the truth and the long -term world. The key role in this process is played by building trust so that as many people as possible decide to tell their history, ”the institute said. right to know the truth During the meetings, members of the delegation & nbsp; listened to & nbsp; dozens of families. “No one has ever listened to us. This is the first time someone asked about our missing loved ones, ”said one of the local residents to experts. & Amp; nbsp; ~ 60 > right of families to know the truth should be strictly observed, emphasized at the institute. in the statement the readiness of the Syrian authorities for dialogue and their recognition of the problem of missing are welcome. As the only organization specially created to solve this problem in Syria, the institute offers its support and specialized technical examination. ~ 60 > In the coming weeks, an independent institution will present a project for discussion as officials , and with the families of the victims, in order to jointly find out the fate of the missing and outline the path to justice. ~ ~ 60 > independent institution, established by the UN General Assembly in June 2023, is designed to find out fate and The whereabouts of all missing people in Syria, as well as support the victims, including the survivors and the family of missing people.