Yemen is being drawn deeper into the regional escalation in the Middle East

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Strikes carried out on Hodeida on July 20, 2024. Yemen is being drawn deeper into the regional escalation in the Middle East Peace and Security

The military escalation in the Middle East, which has been going on for a year, continues to intensify and risks getting completely out of control, UN Special Envoy for Yemen Hans Grundberg said at a Security Council meeting on Tuesday.

“Unfortunately, Yemen is part of this escalation and risks being drawn further into it,” the Special Envoy said. 

This year has been particularly difficult for UN personnel in the region, he said. In Yemen, Ansar Allah has arbitrarily detained UN staff, civil society representatives and diplomatic missions.

Attacks on Civilian Ships

Ansar Allah continues to attack international shipping and attempts to strike Israel with missiles and drones, Grundberg said. Repeated attacks, including recent strikes on tankers, have significantly increased the risk of an environmental disaster. “Such attacks on civilian shipping are completely unacceptable and must stop immediately,” the Special Envoy said.   –   The Red Sea is a global waterway, and everyone has a stake in its security.”

Shooting and Airstrikes

In response to these attacks, the United States and its allies carried out airstrikes on four Yemeni provinces. In addition, the Israeli military shelled the port city of Hodeida.

“Reports of casualties in Hodeida and damage to critical infrastructure in the city are alarming,” Grundberg continued. “This cycle of retaliation is drawing Yemen deeper into the regional conflict, undermining hopes for peace and stability. It is also distracting the international community from the urgent need to resolve Yemen’s internal crisis.”

Hans Grundberg called on Ansar Allah to immediately and unconditionally release all those arbitrarily detained, including 17 United Nations staff, and to end the campaign of detentions and repression. “I look forward to the Security Council’s support for my efforts in this direction,” he added.  

Diplomatic Efforts

The special envoy said that following his previous briefing to the Security Council, he held “constructive talks” with Yemeni and international stakeholders during visits to New York, Tehran and Moscow.

«My office remains firmly committed to pursuing all available opportunities to achieve peace in Yemen, Hans Grundberg stressed. Peace in Yemen is still within reach, and we must strive to make it a reality.”

Famine and Cholera

Amid regional escalation, the humanitarian situation in Yemen continues to deteriorate, with famine spreading to new regions of the country. This was stated at a meeting of the Security Council by Acting UN Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs Joyce Msuya. 

According to her, the number of people who do not have enough food reached an unprecedented level in August. The situation has become particularly difficult in areas controlled by the country’s de facto authorities since last year.

Cholera also continues to spread in Yemen, Joyce Msuya reported. Since March of this year, more than 203,000 suspected cases of the disease have been registered, and more than 720 people have died. Women and girls account for 53 percent of cholera cases. Humanitarian organizations predict that the number of cases will double between now and March 2025. 

The Deputy Secretary-General noted that the humanitarian appeal for Yemen is currently 41 percent funded. Critical response sectors urgently require additional funding. Without it, an estimated nine million people in Yemen will not receive emergency food assistance in the last quarter of this year.


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