International Day of Non-Violence: UN chief recalls Mahatma Gandhi’s legacy

Международный день ненасилия: глава ООН напомнил о наследии Махатмы Ганди

A bust of Mahatma Gandhi at the UN headquarters in New York. International Day of Non-Violence: UN chief recalls Mahatma Gandhi’s legacy Peace and Security

Mahatma Gandhi believed that non-violence is the greatest force in the hands of humanity – more powerful than any weapon. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres recalled this in his message on the occasion of the International Day of Non-Violence.

The International Day of Non-Violence is observed annually on October 2, the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi, the leader of the Indian independence movement and the founder of the philosophy and strategy of non-violence.

In accordance with the General Assembly resolution of June 15, 2007, this International Day serves as another occasion to “promote the slogan of non-violence, including through educational and public awareness work.” The resolution reaffirms the “universal significance of the principle of non-violence” and the desire to “establish a culture of peace, tolerance, understanding and non-violence.”

“On the International Day of Non-Violence, we not only mark the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi, but also reaffirm the values ​​to which he dedicated his life: equality, respect, peace and justice,” the UN Secretary-General’s message says. 

Antonio Guterres noted with regret that, in contrast to the ideas propagated by Gandhi, the modern world is full of violence: conflicts are raging all over the world, from Ukraine to Sudan and the Middle East. War, according to the UN chief, gives rise to “hellish proportions” of destruction, poverty and fear. Inequality and climate chaos are undermining the foundations of peace. The hatred fueled online spills out onto the streets.

Last month’s Future Summit in New York gave the world hope, says António Guterres, as countries came together to lay the foundations for a renewed multilateralism. “We now need to translate these commitments into action,” the Secretary-General concluded.  


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