Russian Foreign Minister Condemns Attempts to “Artificially Contain the Process of Forming a Multipolar World”

Глава МИД России осудил попытки «искусственно сдержать процесс формирования многополярного мира»

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov spoke during the general debate of the 79th session of the UN General Assembly. Russian Foreign Minister condemned attempts to “artificially restrain the process of forming a multipolar world” UN

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov devoted a significant part of his speech during the general debate of the 79th session of the UN General Assembly to criticizing the “West” and condemning numerous cases in which countries belonging to this group violated, as Russia believes, international agreements and the UN Charter, and also created hotbeds of confrontation in order to “artificially restrain the objective process of forming a multipolar world.” 

Violations of International Agreements

The head of Russian diplomacy included in the long list of violations committed by the coalition of “Western countries” the invasion of Iraq, the war in Georgia, the blockade of Cuba, provocations on the territory of Ukraine and actions aimed at “pumping the wealth of the entire world to their own advantage.” “Look at the statistics on the fulfillment of promises to finance the development of the countries of the Global South and the miners who lost their jobs,” the minister suggested.

He expressed doubt that all countries would adhere to the provisions of the Pact for the Future that they adopted, although Russia, according to the minister, “treated with understanding” the idea of ​​holding the Summit of the Future and participated in its preparation. 


As for the Ukrainian crisis, Lavrov recalled the infringement of the “rights of the Russian-speaking population” by the Ukrainian authorities, stating that without solving this problem the crisis that has arisen cannot be overcome.

NATO expansion

He accused the “West” of trying to destroy Russia with the hands of the “Ukrainian regime” and possibly European countries. “I will not talk here about the senselessness and danger of the very idea of ​​trying to fight to victory with a nuclear power like Russia,” Lavrov added.

“The North Atlantic Alliance has been carrying out geopolitical and military expansion in Europe for three decades now, trying to gain a foothold in the Caucasus and Central Asia, creating a direct threat to the security of our country,” he said. 

Middle East

There is and cannot be any justification for the acts of terrorism that the Israelis fell victim to on October 7 last year, Lavrov said. “But anyone who still has a sense of compassion is outraged by the fact that the October tragedy is being used for mass collective punishment of the Palestinians,” Lavrov added.

“The killing of Palestinian civilians with American weapons must be stopped immediately,” the minister demanded.

Multipolar World

The multipolar world, meanwhile, as Lavrov noted, is oriented toward equal rights for large and small nations, the value of the human personality, equal rights for men and women, and the right of peoples to determine their own destiny. “This, by the way, is also a quote from the UN Charter,” the minister emphasized. “As is the principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of a sovereign state, the confirmation of which, to the shame of our organization’s members, was blocked by the United States and its satellites at the Summit of the Future.” [Russia, we recall, proposed a corresponding amendment to the Pact on the Future, which the General Assembly decided not to consider – ed.] ed.]

Unite efforts

Lavrov quoted Russian President Putin, who in one of his latest speeches emphasized “the need to unite efforts in the name of sustainable development and universal equality and security.” The most difficult problems that humanity faces can only be solved together, taking into account each other’s interests, the Russian Foreign Minister noted.  


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