Voice of Youth at the UN: ‘We Want to Be Taken Seriously’

Голос молодежи в ООН: «Мы хотим, чтобы к нам относились серьезно»

Angelina Spicer, maternal health activist and founder of Spicey Moms. Youth Voice at the UN: “We Want to Be Taken Seriously” UN

They are full of determination and energy. They are not yet infected with skepticism and cynicism and sincerely believe that they can change the world. They are waiting for tomorrow with hope, not with anxiety. Hundreds of young people from all over the world gathered at the UN headquarters in New York on Friday – they are taking part in the so-called “Days of Action” preceding the Future Summit. Young people want to be heard by world leaders who will meet at the summit on Sunday. So that their opinions on current issues are taken into account when decisions and final documents are made, because young people are the future. 

UN News Service spoke to several young participants at the summit, asking them what issues interest them and what they expect from the events at the UN. Here’s what they had to say.

Nev Walker, USA. Came to the UN with a group of students from Seton Hall University in New Jersey:

“I think it’s really important for young people to get an education. We’re the next generation that’s going to be the changemakers. I organized a group of students to come to this event, and I’m really, really excited that we’re going to learn more about how to adapt to changing times, how to adapt to the future.”

“I think there is a lot of uncertainty in the world today, especially in the area of ​​international security, in the area of ​​technology and the development of artificial intelligence, in the area of ​​climate change.”

“I want to listen to educators and diplomats, and I expect to hear a new, more nuanced view of our world and the direction in which it is heading.”

Голос молодежи в ООН: «Мы хотим, чтобы к нам относились серьезно»

Alexandra Carroll and Nev Walker, Seton Hall University.

“AI is a very useful tool. I know a lot of people are wary of its development, but I think we could actually use it for good. I think we could use it to help people become more educated.”

“That being said, I think there’s no shame in going in a different direction and being able to learn a trade or a skill. Because even though technology is advancing at a rapid pace, we still need workers in factories, we still need people to hold our society together and make it function.”

Angelina Spicer, USA. Maternal health activist and founder of Spicy Moms, a volunteer organization that works in America, Europe and Africa on the principle of “moms supporting moms.” In particular, support groups for young mothers are organized and financial assistance is provided:

“I came to the UN today to learn more about what other countries are doing to support mothers, promote gender equality, and ensure health equity around the world.”

“In the United States, we are facing a mortality crisis, particularly among black mothers, as black women die at rates three to five times higher than white women.”

“We look forward to speaking with other parties that have made progress in this area, particularly in Europe and Asia.”

“We want to learn, listen, engage and find out what practices are working, whether it’s community aid, government support or NGOs that have been successful in getting support from large corporations to continue and advance work on gender equality and health equity.”

Голос молодежи в ООН: «Мы хотим, чтобы к нам относились серьезно»

Eliška Jelinkova (left), United Network of Young Peacebuilders.

Eliška Jelinkova, Czech Republic. Represents the United Network of Young Peacebuilders. This network consists of 125 youth organizations from 72 countries:

“We’re here to see how the youth, peace and security agenda is reflected in the final Pact for the Future.”

“We’re also hoping for concrete commitments from Member States who have said for many years that they are our allies. For them to make concrete commitments to implement the agenda, both in terms of supporting youth organizations and in terms of plans to support the agenda over the next couple of years. And we’re hoping to meet a lot of other young people… We’re also organizing a couple of events, so we’re here to build connections and see if we have any allies here in this forum.”

“The main message to the global community is to take meaningful youth engagement seriously, and that means supporting it not just with words, but with concrete actions. There is currently no specific funding to support youth participation in the UN, only through project-based trust funds, which of course is not truly inclusive. This makes the participation of young people who are less privileged and not part of the elite virtually impossible.

We need to ensure that the slogan “Leaving No One Behind” becomes a reality and ensure a diversity of youth voices in the UN.” 

Read also:

The Future Summit: Making the UN More Effective


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