The UN presented a plan for managing artificial intelligence

В ООН представили план по управлению искусственным интеллектом

Of the 193 UN member states, only seven are participants in initiatives on the governance of artificial intelligence. The UN presented a plan on the governance of artificial intelligence Economic development

The UN chief’s high-level advisory body on artificial intelligence unveiled a global action plan on Thursday to address the risks of AI and ensure that everyone benefits from its transformative potential.

The plan is outlined in the Advisory Body’s final report, “Governance of Artificial Intelligence for Humanity.” It calls on the international community to take a number of actions, including laying the foundations for a global AI governance architecture based on international cooperation; addressing gaps in existing AI governance mechanisms; and working together on AI governance to promote development and protect human rights.

Addressing Global Gaps in AI Governance

Of the 193 UN Member States, only seven are participants in AI governance initiatives. Another 118 countries, mostly in the Global South, are not involved in any related processes.

There is no global framework for AI governance. Since its further development is in the hands of a few multinational companies based in several countries, the results of AI implementation can be imposed on the majority of the world’s population without their participation in decision-making in one form or another.

The report identifies gaps in the current international AI governance landscape and proposes measures to address them, including the establishment of institutional mechanisms to facilitate the establishment of global AI governance mechanisms.

Key Recommendations for Global AI Governance

The report proposes the establishment of an International Scientific Expert Group on AI to provide impartial scientific expertise in this area. The group, supported by a team of UN staff, will help countries develop a common understanding of AI and bridge the digital divide between countries and regions of the world. The group will produce annual reports on AI opportunities, risks and trends.

In addition, it is proposed to organize an exchange of AI standards with the participation of representatives of standards organizations, technology companies and civil society to ensure technical compatibility of AI systems across countries.

Experts also state the need to create A Global AI Capacity Development Network and a Global AI Fund to address capacity and collaboration gaps.

More than 2,000 people from all regions of the world took part in the preparation of the report. The AI ​​Advisory Body has held 18 key discussions, reviewed over 250 written submissions from over 150 organizations and 100 individuals, and hosted over 50 international events. 


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