Denmark, Estonia and Singapore Lead Digital Governance Rankings

Дания, Эстония и Сингапур – лидеры рейтинга цифрового управления

The e-Government Development Index is compiled every two years by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Development. Denmark, Estonia and Singapore are the leaders in the digital governance ranking Economic development

Denmark, Estonia and Singapore topped the e-government development index for 2024, according to data from the e-Government Review published Tuesday.

The e-government development index is compiled every two years by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Development. It is based on three categories that characterize the state of telecommunications infrastructure, the level of human capital and the degree of development of public services on the Internet.

Second place in this year’s ranking was taken by the Republic of Korea, Iceland, Saudi Arabia, the United Kingdom, Finland and the Netherlands.

In terms of regional leaders, in 2024 they are South Africa in Africa, the United States in the Americas, Singapore in Asia, Denmark in Europe, and Australia in the Pacific.

Significant Progress

The study results show that the world has made significant progress in developing digital governance in recent years, accelerated by investments in resilient infrastructure and advanced technologies, including artificial intelligence, cloud computing, and broadband. Overall, 71.5 percent of UN Member States are currently at a high or very high level of digital governance development.

While all regions have made some progress in various areas, regional disparities remain: Europe is in the lead, Asia is developing faster than others, while the level of digital governance development in most African countries remains below the global average.

Post-Soviet Countries

Of the post-Soviet countries, the second most developed after Estonia is Lithuania (24th place), followed by Kazakhstan (28th place) and Latvia (29th place). Russia took 42nd place in the rating, Ukraine – 46th, Belarus – 58th.   

Four countries – Georgia, Peru, Serbia and Ukraine – moved from the group with a high level of digital governance development to the group with a very high level in the period from 2022.


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