UN Independent Human Rights Expert Concerned About Persecution of Human Rights Defenders and Journalists in Azerbaijan

Независимый эксперт ООН по правам человека обеспокоена преследованием правозащитников и журналистов в Азербайджане

A view of the Azerbaijani capital Baku. UN independent human rights expert concerned about persecution of human rights defenders and journalists in Azerbaijan Human Rights

Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders Mary Lawlor expressed serious concern on Thursday about the continued detention and prosecution of human rights defenders and journalists in Azerbaijan.

“In recent months, I have witnessed a disturbing wave of arrests and criminal cases against human rights defenders and journalists in Azerbaijan,” said an independent UN expert.

Among The detainees in question are the chairman of the Center for Monitoring Elections and Studying Democracy Anar Mammadli, the managers and employees of the publication on human rights and corruption Abzas Media Ulvi Hasanli and Sevinj Abbasova (known as Sevinj Vagifgyzy), Nargiz Absalamova and Elnara Gasimova, as well as journalist Hafiz Babali. They were accused of smuggling money by a group of persons by prior conspiracy under Article 206.3.2 of the Criminal Code, and they face up to eight years in prison.

“Anti-corruption investigations, independent election observation, and international human rights work are all legitimate human rights work,” Lawlor said. “Punishment for this work and for exercising freedom of expression is a clear violation of international human rights law.”

The Special Rapporteur expressed alarm at the alleged seizure of electronic devices and documents from the office of Abzas Media and the homes of arrested journalists and human rights defenders, which could jeopardize their sources in anti-corruption investigations. Mammadli’s home and his parents’ residence were allegedly searched without a warrant. The UN expert said authorities had restricted detainees’ access to lawyers and, in some cases, to their families. The bank accounts of relatives of those arrested had been frozen.

Lawlor said she had requested an update on the investigations into the ill-treatment of Ulvi Hasanli and Sevinj Abbasova, as well as the forced disappearance of Hasanli and Nargiz Absalamova. Mammadli has demonstrated the lack of effective legal remedies within the country for more than six years and raises concerns that violations of rights against human rights defenders may be repeated,” the independent expert said.

She contacted the Azerbaijani government regarding these issues and received a response.

“I am concerned that the government has dismissed the allegations regarding the Abzas Media case as false,” Lawlor said . “I do not want to interfere in the judicial process, but I call on the government to ensure that the investigation fully complies with human rights obligations.”

She said all human rights activists and journalists in Azerbaijanis must be able to work freely and in safety, without intimidation or harassment.

Special Rapporteurs are part of the so-called Special Procedures of the Human Rights Council. Special Procedures experts work on a voluntary basis; they are not UN employees and do not receive a salary for their work. They are independent of any government or organization and act in their personal capacity.


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