Top Stories of the Day | Wednesday: Beirut and Tehran, Kazakhstan, Sudan, Ukraine

Главные новости дня | среда: Бейрут и Тегеран, Казахстан, Судан, Украина

In the first half of this year, UN agencies reached 5.6 million Ukrainians with their assistance. Top news of the day | Wednesday: Beirut and Tehran, Kazakhstan, Sudan, Ukraine UN

Top news of the day in the UN and in the world: UN chief comments on strikes in Beirut and Tehran, experts call on Kazakhstan authorities to reject petition to ban gay propaganda, serious violations against children in Sudan, assistance to Donetsk region of Ukraine.

Strikes in Beirut and Tehran

The Secretary-General believes that the strikes in the southern suburbs of Beirut and Tehran represent a dangerous escalation at a time when all efforts should be directed toward a ceasefire in Gaza, the release of all Israeli hostages, an increase in humanitarian aid to the Palestinians, and the restoration of calm in Lebanon and along the Blue Line, UN spokesman Stephane Dujarric said. “Instead, we are seeing attempts to undermine these goals,” he said. The UN chief also called on the parties to exercise maximum restraint.

Petition to ban gay propaganda in Kazakhstan

The Kazakh government should reject a petition it is considering to pass legislation banning “LGBT propaganda,” independent UN human rights experts said today. The petition should never have been considered by the government in the first place because its implementation could lead to violations of rights and freedoms, the experts said. The document calls for the adoption of a law “to completely ban open and hidden LGBT propaganda in Kazakhstan.” According to human rights activists, such a law would lead to discrimination and even violence.

Children in Sudan

The rapid escalation of hostilities and the deteriorating humanitarian situation in Sudan have led to a surge in serious violations against children, the UN Secretary-General’s report released today said. Between 1 January 2022 and 31 December 2023, 2,168 grave violations against children were documented, including 1,525 cases of killing and maiming. Children are also frequently victims of recruitment, exploitation and sexual violence. A sharp increase in grave violations was observed after the conflict between the Sudanese Armed Forces and the Rapid Reaction Forces broke out on 15 April 2023.

Assistance to Donetsk region

UN Coordinator in Ukraine Denise Brown led a humanitarian aid convoy to frontline areas of Donetsk region on Wednesday. The trucks delivered almost ten tons of medicines and hygiene kits. This year, this is the 24th convoy of vehicles that has delivered humanitarian supplies to the Donetsk region. The UN reminds that residents of the region’s frontline areas have been suffering for over ten years from ongoing military actions that have led to the destruction of residential buildings, as well as the most important civilian infrastructure facilities.


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