New attacks in Ukraine lead to civilian casualties

Новые атаки в Украине привели к жертвам среди гражданского населения

Civilian infrastructure has been damaged again in parts of Ukraine. New attacks in Ukraine have resulted in civilian casualties Peace and Security

UN aid workers in Ukraine report that attacks on the front lines and in border areas over the weekend have resulted in civilian casualties, including children.

Civilian infrastructure has also been damaged in parts of the country, according to the UN.

“Glukhov, a town in the Sumy region in the northeast of the country, was particularly hard hit by the attack on Saturday. “Humanitarian workers have delivered repair materials and provided psychological support [to the victims],” UN spokesman Stephane Dujarric said at a briefing in New York.

“Children were also injured in attacks in Dnipro, Donetsk and Kherson over the weekend, local authorities tell us,” he added.


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