The UN General Assembly proclaimed November 24 as World Conjoined Twins Day

Генассамблея ООН провозгласила 24 ноября Всемирным днем сросшихся близнецов

Meeting of the UN General Assembly. The UN General Assembly proclaimed November 24 as World Conjoined Twins Day UN

November 24 will now be celebrated annually at the UN as World Conjoined Twins Day. The UN General Assembly adopted a corresponding resolution today. The document was proposed by Saudi Arabia in co-authorship with other states.

The resolution states that conjoined twins are a rare condition with an estimated prevalence of one in 50,000 births.

This condition, as noted in the document, is characterized by a significant proportion of stillbirths, which is about 60 percent. However, it is concerning that there is a lack of high-quality, up-to-date and reliable data on this issue.

The authors of the resolution call for addressing issues related to the condition of conjoined twins and raising awareness about cases of its occurrence at all levels. They suggest taking a “life-cycle approach” to such people.


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