Children in the destroyed area of Jabalia, Gas. The main news of the day | Tuesday: Gas, Türkiye, Syria, Children’s Mortality UN The main news of the day in the UN and the world: the humanitarian situation worsens in gas, in the UN they are concerned about the detentions in Turkey, the special support for Syria urged the guilty of the perpetrators in violence, the progress in reducing children’s mortality under the threat. 62 > 62 ~ situation in gas 62 > 62 ~As reported by the UN Office for Coordination of Humanitarian issues (UKGV), as the fighting continues in gas, the situation is deteriorated. & Amp; nbsp; on the eve of two more announcements of evacuation in the province of North Gas after reports of Israeli missiles with Palestinian armed groups. & AMP; NBSP; These VSLs, most attempts by humanitarian organizations to coordinate access to the residents of Gaza are rejected by the Israeli authorities. It is warned in the VSGV that the volumes of accessible assistance are reduced, since for more than three weeks the loads do not enter the enclave. detention in Istanbul ~ 60 > At least 92 people, including the mayor of Istanbul, Imamoglu, who were charged with corruption and who were removed from his post, are “extremely concerned about the detention of the UN Human Rights” by the detention of the Turkish authorities. This was stated on Tuesday by the Office of the Office Liz Trussel. In the course of the subsequent protests, according to Trossel, more than 1,000 people were detained, among whom – at least nine representatives of the media. She demanded compliance with the rights of all those who are charged, reminding them of the need to provide them with a fair trial. ~ ~ h2 class = “Text-align-justify” > sovibiez by Syria after almost four months from the moment of the fall of the Bashar Assad regime, many Syrians rejoiced at the opportunity to gather in public places and celebrate Navruz, but the inhabitants of the coastal areas were faced with terrifying violence, which sowed fear and anxiety regarding the future of the country. This was announced in the Council of People’s Commissars by the Special Supervisor of the head of the UN in Syria Gayr Pedersen. It is necessary to conduct a further investigation of what happened in order to identify the perpetrators in violence against civilians and hold them accountable, Pedersen emphasized. ~ 60 > children’s mortality > 60 since 2000, children’s mortality in the world has decreased more than doubled, and the stupidity indicator by more than a third. These are the data of the UN inter -development group on the assessment of children’s mortality. However, in recent years, progress has slowed down, and millions of children’s lives have been at risk due to a lack of funding. The UN emphasizes that ensuring access to quality medical care both among mothers and children will save millions of lives, and call the governments, donors and partners to prevent regression in the fight against children’s mortality.