Measures to combat tuberculosis, including vaccination, helped save tens of millions of lives. World Tuberculosis Day: Due to the reduction in financing, mortality may increase Health care tuberculosis remains the most dangerous infectious disease in the world. More than a million people die from him annually. On March 24, World Day of Tuberculosis is celebrated. In the World Health Organization (WHO), they call to invest in the prevention and treatment of this disease throughout the world. WHO experts recall that global efforts to combat tuberculosis have helped to save 79 million lives since 2000. However, now there is a sharp reduction in the financing of world health care, and millions of people can die. ~ 60 > growing drug stability, especially in Europe, and the ongoing conflicts in the Middle East, Africa and Eastern Europe are even more aggravated situation. 60 > “huge successes that the world has managed to achieve in the fight against tuberculosis over the past 20 years is now threatened, since the reduction of financing begins to affect the access of tuberculosis prevention services, its diagnosis and treatment,” Tedros Hadkhan Goebreesus, the general director said, the general director WHO “But we cannot abandon specific obligations to accelerate the liquidation of tuberculosis, which world leaders took over at the UN General Assembly only 18 months ago. WHO strives to work with all donors, partners and affected countries to soften the consequences of financing reduction and find innovative solutions, ”he added. 62 ~ General Information tuberculosis causative agent is mycobacterium tuberculosis bacterium. The disease is transmitted by airborne droplets and most often affects the lungs. Every year, 10 million people get sick with tuberculosis. Despite the fact that this is a preventive and cured disease, it takes more than a million people every year. ~ 60 > according to estimates, about a quarter of all the inhabitants of the planet are infected with tuberculosis bacteria, but most people do not develop tuberculosis. Those who are infected but not sick cannot infect others. Among people infected with tuberculosis bacteria, the risk of sick is 5-10 percent. People with a weakened immune system, for example, those who have HIV or diabetes, as well as people who use tobacco products, are most at risk. Tuberculosis is the main cause of the death of people with HIV. most people who are diseasing tuberculosis live in countries with low and medium income, but the disease is diagnosed all over the world. About half of all people with tuberculosis live in 8 countries: Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines and South Africa. ~ 60 >~ 60 > 60 ~ Strong > Tuberculosis in the European region WHO In the European WHO region, which includes 53 countries of Europe and Central Asia, in 2023 more than 172 thousand new and recurrent cases of tuberculosis were registered – about the same as in 2022. At the same time, in the countries of the European Union, tuberculosis was diagnosed in almost 37 thousand people, and in 2022 – in 35 thousand. ~ 60 > In this case, there is an increase in the incidence of tuberculosis among children. So, in 2023, the number of cases of tuberculosis in children under the age of 15 increased, compared to the previous year, by 10 percent. The tendency to growth of this indicator has been noted for the third year in a row. ~ 60 > according to the European Bureau WHO, although the region is restored after pandemia Covid-19, the consequences of this crisis are still felt. “finish Tuberculosis is not just a dream. This is a matter of conscious choice. Unfortunately, the observable spread of tuberculosis and anxious growth in the number of cases of tuberculosis in children remind us of how fragile our achievements in the fight against this preventive and cured disease, ”said the director of the European Bureau Hans Klage. ~ 60 > 60 >“ Even until recently reducing international assistance for the development of the development of international assistance The deficit of financing measures to combat tuberculosis around the world amounted to $ 11 billion. This can negatively affect the most important programs to combat tuberculosis in the European region, especially in countries that are not part of the EU, ”he added. 62 ~ 60 > Klage called to continue the fight against tuberculosis and look for new partners. He emphasized that the necessary instruments are already available, including new treatment methods.