The UN authorities called the authorities of Hungary to cancel the law discriminating to the representatives of LGBTIC+

Official representative of the UN UN UNCC LIZ TROSLE. The UN authorities called the authorities of Hungary to cancel the law discriminating to the representatives of LGBTIC+ Human rights ~ 60 > in the UN Directorate for Human Rights are deeply concerned about this week in Hungary by the law, which will lead to arbitrary and discriminatory restrictions on the rights of representatives of the LGBTIC community+ to freedom of expression, peaceful meetings and the inviolability of private life. The restrictions, in particular, will affect the defending of the rights of LGBIC-loves at events such as pride parades. this was announced on Friday by the official representative of the UVKPC Liz Trissel. ~ 60 > The law allows the use of tracking methods, including person recognition technology, for identification and subsequent provision of fines on the participants of such events. 60 > “to protect the right to inviolability of private life and non -discrimination, the authorities should avoid the use of persons for identifying people who participate in peaceful meetings,” said Liz Trossel. ~ 60 >~ 60 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 one Her words, video surveillance must be used only in case of strict need. Methods of tracking cannot be used with discriminatoryly for purposeful observation of peaceful meetings of representatives of LGBTIC+ or other marginalized groups. 60 > UN High Commissioner Folker Türk, Liz Trossel said, calls for the Hungarian authorities to cancel this law and other legislative acts, and other legislative acts, and other legislative acts, Discriminating the LGBIC+community. He also urges them to fight intolerance, discrimination, bullying and oppression associated with sexual orientation and gender identity in accordance with the international obligations of Hungary in the field of human rights. 62 ~


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