62 ~Supreme Commissioner of the UN Human Rights Folker Turk. Photo from the archive The Supreme Commissar of the UN Human Rights completed an official visit to Kyrgyzstan Human rights ~ 60 > Kyrgyzstan demonstrates sustainable economic growth and has a strong legislative and institutional base, civil society operates in the country. However, today Kyrgyzstan is experiencing a turning point. This was stated by the Supreme Commissioner of the UN Human Rights Folker Turk, speaking in Bishkek at the end of his official visit to this country. 62 ~ “constructive discussions” & nbsp; & nbsp; He recalled that the UN Human Rights Office (UVKPH) have long -term relations with Kyrgyzstan – the regional office of UVKPH for Central Asia has been in Bishkek since 2006 and has been covered by five countries of the region. ~ 60 > 60 > “I am grateful to visit the country and for frankly constructive and constructive constructive Discussions, including President Sadir Zhaparov, ”said Turk. He praised the interaction of Kyrgyzstan with UVKPC and wider UN structures in the field of human rights. This is especially valuable, according to him, against the backdrop of “global shocks in the field of multilateral cooperation and human rights.” “The national approach to solving issues of human rights is of paramount importance,” he added. agreement between Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 ~ 62Folker Turk welcomed the recent agreement of Kyrgyzstan on the division of the border with Tajikistan, noting that it was achieved after many years of tense relations and clashes. “It is extremely important to ensure its implementation in accordance with international law in the field of human rights,” he emphasized. ~ 60 > “turning point” Kyrgyzstan demonstrates sustainable economic growth and has strong legislative and institutional bases, A civil society has a civil society in the country, Turk noted. 60 ~ p > he recalled the basic principles on which society should be based if it strives for prosperity: human rights, refusal to discriminate and the rule of law. According to the chief human rights activist of the UN, this approach contributes to the development of business and strengthens the trust of investors. “However, I found that Kyrgyzstan is at a turning point,” he continued. – In recent years, measures have been taken that have narrowed space for the independent activity of civil society. We observe anxious signs of excessive restrictions for civil society and independent journalism that create an atmosphere of fear and self -censorship. ”~ 60 > according to the Turk, he is worried about the number of cases of preliminary conclusion and criminal prosecution of journalists, bloggers, activists, human rights activists and political opponents for the implementation Expressions of opinions and peaceful meetings. ” Such indicative cases are always an alarming signal, emphasized the Supreme Commissioner. “When people who illuminate serious problems regarding the whole society, such as corruption, feel the threat, this leads to the lack of independent control, which can cause serious damage [to the whole society]. This means that the problems remain unresolved, ”the Turk is convinced by the & nbsp; ~ 60 > he said that one of the local human rights activists admitted to him that she was faced with difficulties in his work – when protecting the rights of Kyrgyzstan citizens, she and many of her colleagues are afraid that they will be announced that they will be announced that they will be announced that they will be announced that they will be announced foreign agents will be held accountable. ~ 60 > other activist, according to the Supreme Commissioner, described the law on “foreign agents” and the application of the vague provisions of the Criminal Code as “Damocles Sword”, which makes her constantly think about the possibility of a criminal Pursuit. “Human rights NGOs report a common self -censorship, a change in their charters in order to avoid the qualifications of their activities as a“ political ”by law. They are afraid that the stigmatization of their work will lead to the fact that people will be afraid to seek help or cooperate with them, ”said Folker Turk. 60 > he also causes anxiety to hold peaceful meetings, operating since 2022. “However, I was inspired by the fact that the government was discussing the possibility of its abolition,” he added. ~ 60 > recommendations of the Supreme Commissioner according to the main human rights activist, it is also extremely important They did not experience political pressure when performing their important work. He noted that the preliminary inspections system also does not comply with international standards in the field of human rights. This system, as the Turk emphasized, allows law enforcement agencies to study the case before its official registration within 30 days, that “it is especially problematic in cases of torture and domestic violence, violates the right of the victims to an effective and timely investigation and subjects them to further risk.” he reported that he recommended that he recommended the government conduct a comprehensive revision of the legislation affecting the fundamental rights and freedoms in order to fully fulfill the international obligations of Kyrgyzstan in the field of human rights. 60 ~ BlockQUOTE > ~ > I am convinced that human rights are the best guidelines in difficult situations “This could become part of an important process of developing a national plan for human rights, which should be carried out with the participation of civil society, scientists and various state structures. The management entrusted to me is ready to assist and provide recommendations, as well as examples of the best international practices, ”he emphasized. ~ ~ 60 > according to the Turk, the constructive process related to the previous draft of the media law is a good example of how such a review should be held: with the participation of key interested parties, including journalists. He recalled that then this approach ultimately led to the recall of the bill after recognizing its inconsistency with the norms of human rights. ~ ~ 60 > “I also recommended the government to exclude the use of the vague provisions of the Criminal Code for suppressing the legitimate activity of civil society,” the Turk said, adding that UVKPF provides Assistance in the development of a comprehensive anti -discrimination legislation for Kyrgyzstan. ~ 60 > In addition, given that youth is at least 35 percent of the population of Kyrgyzstan, the environment should remain. Priority. 60 ~ h2 > cooperation between Kyrgyzstan and UVKPC ~ 60 > according to the Turk Folker, he came to Kyrgyzstan “with a sense of friendship and solidarity with its people”. “I am convinced that human rights are the best guideline in difficult situations,” he said. ~ 60 > Supreme Commissioner emphasized that the management entrusted to him will continue to closely cooperate with the government, civil society and other interested parties to ensure the promotion of human rights in Kyrgyzstan and region.