In Armenia, the WHO program for the development of services in the field of mental health protection has started

Yerevan, Armenia. In Armenia, the WHO program for the development of services in the field of mental health protection has started Healthcare ~ 60 > European Regional Bureau of the World Health Organization (ERB WHO), with the support of the European Union and in partnership with the Ministry of Health of Armenia, launched & nbsp; new program to strengthen the country’s health system and the development of services in the field of & nbsp; security; security; mental health. this has become part of a larger program called “Support for the viability of healthcare systems in the Eastern Partnership countries”, funded by the EU. & Amp; nbsp; within the framework of this new initiative & nbsp; ERB WHO will support Armenia, as well as Azerbaijani, Georgia, and the Republic of Moldova and the Republic of Moldova and the Republic of Moldova and the Republic of Moldova Ukraine. 60 ~ h2 > need for stable healthcare systems & nbsp; ~ 60 > 62 ~Covid-19 pandemia revealed vulnerable places in healthcare systems around the world, emphasizing the need to expand & NBSP; and improve quality & nbsp; support provided to medical workers. Armenia, like many other countries of the European WHO region, faces a number of problems, including a lack of personnel, uneven distribution of medical specialists and a high level of professional burnout. ~ 60 >~ 60 > at the same time the protection of mental health has become one of the priority areas Navalny & nbsp; and individual-oriented approach, which & nbsp; allows you to reduce the level of stigmatization & nbsp; and expand access to the services. 60 > new program will be directed at & nbsp; so that more medical workers remain in the profession by improving working conditions and supporting staff. Measures will also be taken to improve the quality of medical and nursing education in accordance with the needs of the population. ~ 60 > according to WHO data, the protection of mental health remains the most important but insufficiently funded healthcare area in Armenia. The emphasis on stationary assistance and stigmatization often limit access to the necessary services. Among the tasks set to strengthen the national management mechanisms, as well as the training of & NBSP; medical workers to use a human rights and individual-oriented approach to the treatment of mental disorders. In addition, work will be carried out to increase & nbsp; awareness of the population in the field of mental health and to combat stigma and discrimination. 62 ~


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