Currently, the army of forced immigrants in Haiti has more than a million people. Escalation of violence in Haiti: a record number of residents of the capital left their homes Refugees and migrants In just one month, the escalation of violence forced more than 60 thousand people to leave their homes in the capital of Haiti Porto-play, which became another gloomy milestone in the aggravating humanitarian crisis in this Caribbean. The bloody clashes between warring gangs, the massive movement of the population and the general instability have long covered Port-play and many other parts of the country, however, in the last two months the escalation has rolled up to those few areas where there were no bandits until recently. & Amp; NBSP; Port-O-Prens International Airport remains closed. Most of the forced immigrants found refuge in centers for displaced persons, while others are sheltered by relatives living in relatively calm settlements. & Amp; nbsp; “We have never had to observe such a large number of people who move in such a short time,” Greguar Gudstein, head of the department of the International Migration Organization (MOM) in the current situation, commented on the current situation. Haiti. – Families are forced to leave their homes again and again, to throw everything, fleeing in search of safety. “& Amp; nbsp; the crisis has reached an unprecedented level: at present, the number of forced immigrants in Haiti exceeds a million people, and this is three times more than only a year ago. Humanitarian agencies warn that the situation is approaching a critical point. & Amp; NBSP; “People who are saved from violence need immediate protection, food, water and a grave. The situation worsens every day, and without additional support, we risk becoming witnesses to an even greater humanitarian catastrophe, ”Hudshtein emphasized. & Amp; nbsp; meanwhile, MOM continues to work for vital assistance to displaced persons in Haiti. Over the past month alone, more than 16 thousand people gained access to clean water and hygiene products, 3,700 people were provided with temporary housing, medical care and psychosocial support. & Amp; NBSP;