The UN Human Rights Council discussed the situation in Iran and Venezuela

Hall of meetings of the UN Council on Human Rights. The UN Human Rights Council discussed the situation in Iran and Venezuela Human rights ~ 60 > The UN Council for Human Rights listened on Tuesday, a special -folder’s speech on the situation in the field of human rights in Iran and representatives of the mission to establish facts in Venezuela. & nbsp; repression in Iran ~ 60 > in Iran the most serious human rights violations have occurred over the past four decades. About this, speaking at the 52nd session of the UN Council for Human Rights in Geneva, said on Tuesday a special speaker on the situation in the field of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran Javaid Rechman. ~ 60 >~ 60 > at the beginning of his speech the specialist & expressed “deep admiration” Millions of peaceful citizens of Iran who challenge the country’s authorities, participating in peaceful protests. According to him, they risk their lives in order to express indignation in connection with the death of Gina Mahsa Amini and demand a recognition of their human rights. ~ ~ h2 > death of the gigs of Mahsa amini 62 > 62 > 62 ~ 62Javaid Rehman submitted a report to the Human Rights Council, which details the circumstances of Amini’s death in the conclusion of & nbsp;-three days after its arrest by the Iranian police by the alleged non-compliance with the official dress code. According to the collected evidence, & nbsp; Amini died on September 16 as a result of beating police officers of the morals. ~ ~ 60 > “in accordance with the current practice,” the special composer noted, “state bodies in Iran deny any offenses or unlawful actions for their part and, in their part, in their own, in their own, in their own, in their own, in their own, in their own. The queue is the results of the so -called investigations that are neither reliable nor transparent and do not meet the minimum requirements of impartiality and independent approach. None of the police officers involved in Amini’s death was held accountable. ” 60 ~ p >Javaid Rehman emphasized that the girl’s death was not an isolated case, but another link in a long series of cruel violence against women and girls in Iran. Just a month before the death of Amini, the President of Iran signed a decree prescribing further repressive measures for the “improper wearing of hijab.” Therefore, the specialist conclusion concludes, it is impossible to ignore the responsibility of senior officials for incitement to this violent episode. brutal suppression of protests ~ 60 > legal requirements of Iran citizens representing all age, representing all age, representing all age -related ones. gender, ethnic, linguistic, religious and socio-economic groups, to put an end to serious human rights violations were met by brutal violence by the state, the special lodder noted. & nbsp; ~ 60 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62Security forces shot at demonstrators with combat cartridges and fraction. Some protesters, including children, were scored to death. At least 527 people, including 71 children, were killed, hundreds were injured. Dozens of people lost their eyes due to straight shots to the head. 60 ~ p > from the very first days of protests, state authorities tried to block all the possibilities of free expression of opinions, violating the work of the Internet, subjecting to the platform of social networks and continuing mass arrest arrest and detention. Recently, the authorities admitted that more than 22 thousand people were arrested. 60 > scale and severity of violations committed by the Iranian authorities, especially after the death of Gina Mahsa & Amini, indicate the possible commission of international crimes, in particular crimes against humanity, draws a conclusion. Special Player. “In the absence of accountability at the national level,” he said, “I strongly advocate creating an independent international mission to establish facts and count on comprehensive cooperation with it to ensure justice and hold the victims of human rights violations”. & Amp; nbsp; situation in the situation in the situation Venezuela ~ 60 > Venezuela government continues to perform actions that are crimes against humanity. This was stated on Tuesday was announced by the members of the UN mission to establish facts in Venezuela. In her speech to the Human Rights in Geneva, the mission to establish facts said that Venezuela continues arbitrary detention of persons perceived as opponents of the authorities, including representatives of political opposition, as well as human rights activists and journalists. Non -governmental sources documented at least 42 arrests from September to December 2024 and another 84 during the first 15 days of January 2025. ~ 60 >~ 60 > “Venezuela government continues to carry out hard repressions in relation to political opponents, or simply because they express them expressed dissent or critical views, ”said Marta Valinas, chairman of the mission to establish facts. – This is part of the same line of behavior that we previously described as crimes against humanity. ”~ 60 > mission to establish facts expressed concern in connection with the detention of at least 150 foreign citizens accused of participating in a conspiracy against the government. The fate and location of these persons are unknown to their families and the authorities of the countries of their origin. “The government of Nicholas Maduro ignores diplomatic efforts aimed at establishing contacts with detainees, which contradicts international law,” said the expert of the Francisco Cox mission. – The arrested are contained in strict mode, without communication with the outside world, in violation of national and international laws. ”~ 60 > mission to establish facts also provided the council of more detailed information about the protest in Aragua, during which seven people were killed. Experts confirmed that the demonstrators shot without preliminary warning from the territory of a military facility where military personnel and the National Bolivarian Guard were located. ~ 60 > 60 > “We established the identities of three generals who participated in the operation to maintain public order during this protest, and two senior officers who were located on The military facility, from where the fire was fired, said Patricia Tappat, representing the mission. – the Venezuela state should investigate this incident, hold the perpetrators and pay compensation to the victims. ” ~ 60 > mission to establish facts to the Human Rights Council to call the Venezuela government immediately and unconditionally free all the arbitrarily detained persons, as well as provide them with arbitrarily detained person proper and timely medical care while they are in custody.


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