Destroyed buildings in gas. Vital assistance reserves are depleted in gas, warn at the UN Humanitarian assistance in the gas ends the reserves of humanitarian aid after more than two weeks without new supplies. This was warned today in the UN Office for the coordination of humanitarian issues (UKGV). Lack of food 60 > from the World Food Program (VPP) report that due to the closure of checkpoints in the enclave, prices rose sharply. So, in March, the cost of gas for cooking jumped almost 200 percent compared to February, and it is now available only on the black market. According to reports, the enclave also lacks cash. Store owners cannot replenish their stocks or pay bills to suppliers. Especially acute situation is observed in North Gaza and Khan-Junis. At the same time, despite the suspension of the import of goods into gas, the UN and partners continue to provide vital services as much as possible, noted in the VSGV. Over the past two weeks, partnerships examined more than three thousand children in gas in order to identify cases of malnutrition. So far, the situation is not so disastrous, but in humanitarian institutions it is warned that if the blockade of humanitarian aid continues, it can worsen. 62 ~ ~ 60 > health and education from Yunisuf that there was a total of total A few tens of kilometers from the sector are large volumes of critically important reserves, including 20 IVL devices for the intensive care units of newborns and more than 180 thousand doses of vaccines for complete immunization of 60 thousand children under two years old, but it is not possible to bring these goods to the addresses. 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 ~In a statement published yesterday, UNICEF emphasized that medical subjects should be allowed in gas, and warned that further delays can negate the progress in the field of protection of the health of children. 62 ~~ 60 > 60 > read Also: gas reduction in gas supply in gas pursues meanwhile, the UN agency to help Palestinian refugees (Bapapar) noted that more 270 thousand children were recorded on the educational programs of agencies in gas, where they study mathematics, natural sciences, Arabic and English. Hundreds of school psychologists provide children with psychological assistance and implement various developing programs. west coast , meanwhile, the UN Human Rights Office said that the operations of Israeli forces in the North in the North The western shore continues to lead to massive movement of people. ~ 60 > Over the past few days, Israeli forces have held raids in Tulkarma. Hundreds of families, including women, children and elderly people, were forced to leave their homes in Tulkarma and Nur-Shams refugee camp. According to available information, the majority of the inhabitants of the Nur-Shams camp have already left it. 60 > due to the consequences of military operations, humanitarian institutions in the north of the West Coast provide psychological assistance to children, as well as adult methods of supporting children under difficult conditions. 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 ~