Syria: Relatives of the victims of the Assad regime achieve justice

Aleppo, photo from the archive. Syria: Relatives of the victims of the Assad regime achieve justice Peace and safety ~ 60 > Committee on violent extinction, sitting at the UN UN branch in Geneva, heard the testimony of a relative of the two Syrians who were tortured and Assad killed. Brother Obida Dubbag Mazen and nephew Patrick – both Citizens of Syria and France – were arrested by Syrian intelligence officers in November 2013. For several years they were kept in prison and tortured. & Amp; NBSP; Obeida Dabbag emphasized that his relatives did not participate in protests against the president of Bashar al -Assad, who tried to suppress through mass arrests, torture and large -scale violations of human rights. & Amp; NBSP; arrested relatives or their release in exchange for exorbitant amounts. Then the authorities evicted Mazen’s wife and his daughter from our family house in Damascus, ”said Obida Dubbag. & Amp; nbsp; according to him, he is now achieving justice not only for his family:“ This is part of the universal combat of impunity for war crimes. With the help of my court claim, I wanted not only to achieve justice for Mazen and Patrick, but also to take part in the global struggle against the atrocities of the Syrian regime. “& Amp; nbsp; claim filed in the French court 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 ~Before the arrest, Mazen taught at the French college in the Syrian capital, and his son Patrick was a psychologist at the University of Damascus. Desperate to achieve their liberation, the family turned to the Syrian and French authorities, to the Red Cross and the European Union. In 2016, together with the non -governmental organization, the International Federation for Human Rights, they filed a lawsuit against the Prosecutor’s Office of Paris, accusing Syria’s authorities of crimes against humanity. & Amp; nbsp; this court lawsuit allowed the French justice to begin the investigation and collect evidence of witnesses. This led to the fact that in March 2023, three senior officials of the Syrian regime were charged with complicity of crimes against humanity and war crimes. & Amp; NBSP; by decision of the court that took place in France last May, Ali Mamlyuk, Jamil Hassan and Abdel Salam Makhmud were absent Sentenced to life imprisonment for complicity in violent abductions, torture and murders, which are crimes against humanity, as well as for confiscation of property qualified as a war crime. & nbsp; International Convention 62 > 62 > 62 >The Committee on violent disappearance monitors how the countries carry out the International Convention to protect all persons from violent disappearance, which was adopted by the UN General Assembly in December 2006. Rearing to the members of the Committee, an independent expert on human rights Fidelis Kanyonelo emphasized the exceptional importance of extraterritorial jurisdiction, taking into account, taking into account, taking into account, taking into account, taking into account, taking into account. that many states have not yet ratified the convention, as well as the fact that Syria has not ratified the Roman Statute, which would allow the international criminal court to pursue the suspects in the commission of serious crimes related to the human rights. & nbsp; the International Convention to protect all persons from violent disappearance is the first universal and legally compulsory document In the field of human rights regarding this practice. He was preceded by a declaration of the protection of all persons from violent disappearance, adopted by the UN General Assembly in 1992. To date, the participants of the Convention are 77 states. & Amp; NBSP; in a statement dedicated to the 14th anniversary of the Civil War, the Commission for the investigation of events in Syria, established by the UN Human Rights Council, has called for urgent efforts to hold all the perpetrators to be liable. to support future initiatives to establish truth and hold accountable, ”the commission said. & nbsp;


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