Since April 2024, Iran has strengthened the police control and criminal prosecution of women who refuse to wear a mandatory hijab, introducing the so -called Nur plan. UN mission to establish facts: Iranian authorities continue systematic repressions Human rights ~ 60 > Two and a half years after mass protests that began in Iran in September 2022, the government of this country, within the framework of coordinated actions to suppress dissent, continues to strengthen measures to limit the rights of women, girls and other persons requiring compliance with human rights. This is stated in the new report of the UN Independent International Mission to establish facts in the Islamic Republic of Iran. continuation of repressions 60 ~ p > these repressive measures are taken despite the pre -election promises of the current President of Masud Ceseshkin to weaken the strict application of the laws on the wearing of hijab, the authors of the report note. Measures include the enhanced use of technologies and surveillance systems, including self -worship supported by the state, which even more infringes on the fundamental rights of women and girls. ~ 60 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62Since April 2024, the state has strengthened the police control and criminal prosecution of women who refuse to wear a mandatory hijab by introducing the so -called Nur plan. The defenders of human rights and activists continue to encounter criminal punishments, including fines, long prison terms and, in some cases, the death penalty for peaceful activities in support of human rights. report, which will be submitted by the UN Council in Geneva on March 18, 2025, shows that these measures shows that these measures shows that these measures They reflect the ongoing persecution aimed at suppressing the rights of women and girls, as well as their rights to equality. ~ 60 > “For two years, Iran refused to adequately recognize the requirements of equality and justice, which caused the protests of 2022. Criminalization, surveillance and continuing repressions against protesters, families of victims and survivors, especially women and girls, cause deep concern, ”said Sarah Hossein, chairman of the mission to establish facts. ~ 60 > 60 > 62 > 62 > 62 >Acts of the persecution are also directed against the victims of torture, violence and other violations that occurred during protests, and their relatives, who are systematically intimidated to force the harm caused. & Amp; nbsp; those who show solidarity with victims – human rights activists, lawyers and journalists are also threatened. Many of the persecution were forced to leave Iran. ~ 60 > in addition to increasing the monitoring, the state has expanded the restrictions in digital space, spreading repressions outside the country in order to force human rights defenders, including journalists who are speaking due Borders. At the moment, 10 men have been executed in connection with protests, and at least 11 men and 3 women are under threat of execution, including for actions protected by international law. This is happening against the background of serious concerns about the violations of the right to a fair court, including the use of confessions obtained under torture, and non -compliance with procedural norms. responsibility of the state 62 > 62 > 62 ~ 62The mission to establish facts analyzed the information provided by victims, witnesses and the government, as well as the open sources collected in the course of the study of open measures regarding the prosecution of guilty at the national level. It was found that although some steps were taken, such as the criminal prosecution of individual security forces for the illegal use of force and the payment of compensation to the victims, these measures remain rare and insufficient. & Amp; nbsp; moreover, the state largely denies its responsibility for gross human rights violations, some of which, according to the mission, are qualified as crimes against humanity. The country’s judicial system does not have independence, and the victims and their families are not only devoid of justice, but are also subjected to constant threats, arrests and criminal prosecution. ~ 60 > 60 > “although it is the Iranian government that has the main responsibility for the provision of damage to the victims, we heard from many victims and survivors that they did not Neither confidence in the Iranian judicial and legal system in the establishment of truth, justice and compensation for damage, nor confidence in it, ”said Shahin Sardar Ali, an expert at the mission. – Therefore, it is extremely important that measures to ensure liability continue outside the country. ” mission collected documents for two years of work the mission has collected and retained an extensive array of evidence, including more than 38 thousand units of materials and materials and preserved Interview with 285 victims and witnesses. The report confirmed the previous conclusions about gross violations of human rights and crimes against humanity. & Amp; nbsp; mission also investigated new cases of rape of protesting women, including group rape, as well as cases of protesters, which the state classified as “suicide”. In addition, the widespread use of the dramatures of the executions of the detainees are documented, which is equated with torture. minorities and minorities & nbsp; in relation to children Missia established that the power structures practically did not make differences between adults and minor protesters – they were subjected to the same appeal, including the illegal use of force, torture and violations of the right to a fair court. ~ 60 >~ 60 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 ~ 62During the investigation, it was also found that ethnic and religious minorities, in particular Kurds and Beluji, as well as representatives of LGBTK+ were especially susceptible to persecution and violence during protests. ~ 60 > role of state bodies and the role of state bodies and the role of state bodies and the role of state bodies and the role of state bodies and the role of state bodies structures The mission has expanded the study of roles, structures and responsibility of state bodies, such as the Corps of Guardians of the Islamic Revolution (KSIR), the Basij, the Ministry of Intelligence, the Ministry of the Interior, the police (Faraja), including its special units, the “morals”, the provinces of the provinces and the judicial system. & Amp; nbsp; To the use of strength, detentions, criminal processes, death sentences and forced compliance with the Law on Hijab. In this context, the mission also investigated the degree of responsibility of the heads of these bodies for gross violations of human rights and crimes against humanity. ~ ~ 60 > within the framework of its mandate to preserve evidence of the mission, carried out detailed cartography of the structure of state institutions. She also collected and analyzed data on the individuals and degree of responsibility of the alleged criminals, which are included in the confidential list, which will be referred by the UN High Commissioner for the completion of the mandate. further Steps 60 > admitting that human rights in Iran are complex and extensive and go beyond the current mandate of the mission, the authors of the report call the human rights advice to consider creating a new independent body to continue the work. & nbsp; such an organ could continue Investigation of serious violations of human rights in Iran, both of past and real, as well as their indigenous reasons, such as systemic discrimination on the basis of gender, ethnicity, religion and/or political beliefs. ~ 60 > 60 > “Government policy deprived of the right to truth, justice and reimbursement of damage, justice and reimbursement of damage. – said Viviana Krostichevich, an expert at the mission. – Given the severity of violations in the country and a serious risk of repetition of violence against those who disagree, it is extremely important that the UN Council for Human Rights continues to support the victims in their search for justice. “62 ~