Global trade in 2025: risks growing

Cargo ship in the port. Spain Global trade in 2025: risks growing Economic development as uncertainty in trade, global cooperation and a balanced policy will become key factors to prevent economic fragmentation and ensuring long -term growth. This is stated in the report of the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), published on Friday. & Amp; nbsp; Junctad experts warn that protectionism and changes in trade strategies can violate global trade flows. They report that trade in services remains active, but uncertainty undermines the trade in goods. The Junctad calls for a balanced policy and multilateral cooperation. growing calls 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 >Global trade in the beginning of 2025 in stable positions, but the calls are intensified, the authors of the report write. The last update of “global trade” from the UN Conference on Trade and Development (Junctad), covering data before the beginning of March, indicates changes in dynamics. In 2024, the volume of world trade reached a record 33 trillion dollars, increasing by 3.7 percent compared to 2023. Growth was provided by developing economies and active trade in services. However, new risks are ahead: trade imbalances, changes in politics and geopolitical tension. ~ 60 > gap between developing and developed economies increases. Asia and Latin America remain the main engines of trade, but the growth rate in developed countries has slowed down. Trade between developing countries (South-South) remains stable, but intra-regional trade in Africa is reduced, leveling previous achievements. Meanwhile, the trade between Europe and Central Asia has decreased, which reflects the changes in demand. supply chain: diversification instead of consolidation 60 ~ p ~ ~~ 60 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 ~ 62Regional production trends (NEARSHORING) and trade with allies changed in 2024. Business no longer limits trade only in geopolitical partners or close regions. Instead of the consolidation of the supply chains, the company now diversify retail chains in different regions, reducing risks, but complicating logistics. ~ 60 > trading dependence is also changing. Such economies as Russia, Vietnam and India, strengthen ties with certain partners, while others, for example, Australia and the EU, reduce dependence on traditional markets. A decrease in the concentration of trade indicates an increase in the role of small economies. trading policy changes the trade card governments introduce new tariffs, subsidies and industrial strategies, changing the trade flows. The United States, the EU and other countries are increasingly connecting trade measures with economic security and climatic purposes, while China uses stimulating measures to maintain export. 60 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 ~ 62Such a restructuring of politics enhances uncertainty. The growth of protectionism (measures supporting the national industry at the expense of tariffs or restrictions), especially in developed countries, leads to retaliatory measures by trading partners and the creation of new barriers. ~ 60 > meanwhile industrial strategies (long -term development plans for individual industries) change key sectors, such as pure energy, technologies and mining of critically important raw materials Materials that create the risks of distorting the conditions of healthy competition. growth in trade imbalances 60 > 62 ~ in 2024 global trade imbalances returned to the levels of 2022. The US trade deficit has increased, the surplus of China has grown, and the EU moved to the surplus against the background of changes in energy prices. 62 > 62 >Bilateral imbalances are preserved: the trade deficit between the United States and China is growing, the EU surplus in trade with China is increasing, and India’s deficiency in trade with Russia is expanding due to changes in energy imports. These trends can lead to new tariffs, restrictions or changes in the investment policy, enhancing economic uncertainty. uneven growth & nbsp; > trade development varied depending depending on depending industries: agro-voltage sector, communication technologies and transport showed growth, while energy, textiles and mining mining slowed down due to weak demand and changes in politics. ~ 60 > trends in shipping indicate a decrease in activity: the fall of freight indexes indicates an weakening of industrial activity, especially in sectors, sectors, sectors, sectors. depending on the supply chains. ~ 60 > 2025 year: Prevention of fragmentation as the uncertainty in the trade is global, the balanced policy remains critically Important. China stimulating measures and reducing inflation in a number of regions can support trading, but protectionism and changes in the policy of large economies remain key risks. ~ 60 > main challenge of 2025 – prevent global fragmentation in which countries form isolated trade blocks, and at the same time manage changes in politics without damage to long -term growth. Decisions now made by governments and business will determine the stability of trade for years in advance.


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