Uzbekistan supports global efforts to develop a creative economy

Historical Center of Samarkand, Uzbekistan. Uzbekistan supports global efforts to develop a creative economy Goals in the field of sustainable development Culture and creative economy become integral elements of sustainable development, contributing to economic growth, social unity and innovation. In conditions of a rapidly changing world, traditional development paths lose their effectiveness, and creative industries offer alternative opportunities for many countries. 62 ~ creative economy: a pulse for growth According to the UN Conference on Trade and Development (Junctad), the creative economy can already today be up to 7.3 percent of GDP of various states and provide up to 12.5 percent of workplaces. On a global scale of the culture and creativity industry, about 2.3 trillion dollars generate annually, which corresponds to 3.1 percent of the global GDP. They create jobs for 6.2 percent of the workforce, and their significance is especially large for developing countries. 60 > “In the modern world, traditional development paths are no longer effective for many states. Under these conditions, creative industries offer opportunities for sustainable development, contributing to the growth and creation of jobs, ”said Joan Jose Badello, director of the New York office. He spoke at the event in support of the creative economy, which took place the other day at the UN on the initiative of Uzbekistan. The development of a creative economy contributes to the diversification of markets, which is especially relevant for states to reduce dependence on traditional sources of income. Investments in the culture have already proved their effectiveness: for example, 2.5 million people are employed in this sector, and in Nigeria the creative economy is 6 percent of the total employment. 62 ~ Registan Square in Samarkand, Uzbekistan. culture as an instrument of social development Experts note that culture has a unique ability to strengthen social cohesion, promote inclusiveness and promote a sustainable future. The Pact of the Future of the UN emphasizes the importance of investment in culture not only as an element of cultural policy, but also as an economic and social imperative. 60 > “investment in culture is not just a cultural policy, but an economic and social imperative,” the chairmen of a group of friends in the UN of culture, constant, emphasized. Representatives of Italy Maurizio Massari and Cyprus – Maria Michael. ~ 60 > Caribbean, for example, already uses its cultural heritage as a development tool. The rich musical and literary tradition made it one of the world centers of creative industries. “As a place of mixing of cultures, the Caribbean region has a comparative advantage in creative industries. This unique cultural identity gave the world some of the greatest literary and musical gifts – from V.S. Naipol and Bob Marley to Rihanna, ”said the head of the mission of St. Kits and Nevis matrix Williams. global initiatives and prospects ~ 60 > adopted in 2023 the resolution of the general The Assembly of the UN 78/133 “Promoting the creative economy in the interests of sustainable development” emphasizes that support for culture and creative industries should be a strategic priority for states. some countries have already taken important steps in this direction. For example, Uzbekistan adopted last year the law “On a creative economy”, which creates legal conditions for the development of cultural industries, uniting art, technology and entrepreneurship. 62 ~~ 60 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 ~Speaking at an event at the UN, the chairman of the Culture and Art Development Fund, Gayan Umarova, acquainted the audience with the preparation of the upcoming 43rd session of the UNESCO General Conference in Samarkand. She emphasized that this forum for the first time since 1985 will pass outside the headquarters of UNESCO in Paris. This, as noted, testifies to the active role of Uzbekistan in promoting cultural values ​​at the global level. ~ 60 > “Culture and creative economy have a transformative potential in promoting economic growth, formation, peace, social unity and environmental stability,” said the permanent representative of Uzbekistan at the UN Ulugbek Lapasov. ~ 60 > other countries also pay attention to the creative economy: the volume of trade in creative goods between developing states has doubled over the past 20 years. ~ 60 > “states that invested in culture, it has invested, which invested in culture, They receive enormous benefits, ”said the representative of UNESCO Marloes Legerywood. strategic instrument creative economy is not just a sector of the economy, but a strategic instrument of the future, capable of ensuring sustainable growth, capable of ensuring sustainable growth, Economic diversification and improving the quality of life. Investing in culture is not expenses, but high -retention investments that can play a decisive role in building an inclusive, prosperous and stable world.


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