UN Commission: Israel systematically used sexual, reproductive and other forms of gender violence in gas

Destroyed areas in gas. UN Commission: Israel systematically used sexual, reproductive and other forms of gender violence in gas Human rights Israel used sexual, reproductive and other forms of gender violence against Palestinians as part of a wider strategy for undermining their rights to self -determination, and also carried out “genocidal acts” by systematic destruction of sexual and reproductive healthcare institutions. This is stated in the new report of the UN International International Commission for investigation in the occupied Palestinian territory, including East Jerusalem, and in Israel. 62 ~ On the eve of the publication of the report in Geneva on March 11 and 12, public hearings were held at which the victims, witnesses of violence, medical workers, as well as representatives of civil society, scientists, lawyers and other experts. ~ 60 > 60 > systematic. Violations 60 > in the report numerous violations committed against Palestinian women, men, girls and boys in the occupied Palestinian territory from October 7, 2023 were documented. According to the commission, these acts are one of the elements of cruelty to the Palestinians, the illegal occupation and persecution of the Palestinians as a group. “The evidence collected by the Commission indicate regretting the increase in the number of cases of sexual and gender violence,” said the chairman of the commission of Navi Pillei. – One cannot but conclude that Israel uses sexual and gender violence against Palestinians to intimidate them and maintain an oppression system that undermines their right to self -determination. ”~ 60 >~ 60 > according to the report, sexual and gender violence, which has become more and more brutal, is applied to more cruel. The occupied Palestinian territory as a strategy of war in order to dominate and destroy the Palestinian people. ~ 60 > security forces and representatives of power certain forms of violence, such as forced public undressing, sexual sexual sexuals harassment, including threats of rape, as well as sexual attacks, are part of the standard methods of work of Israeli security for Palestinians, the report says. 60 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 >Other forms, including rape and acts of violence in relation to the genitals, were made either by direct orders or with silent approval from the highest civil and military leadership of Israel, is noted in the document. ~ 60 > ~ 60 > In addition, the commission noted impunity regarding sexual and gender crimes, committed by Israeli settlers on the west coast. “The acquittals and actions of the Israeli leaders, as well as the inability of the military judicial system to effectively pursue criminals and bring them to justice, send a clear signal to the Israeli security forces that they can continue to perform such actions without fear of punishment,” Pilla said. – In this context, prosecution through the International Criminal Court and the Courts of the countries acting in accordance with their internal legislation or within the framework of universal jurisdiction is crucial for observing the rule of law and ensuring justice for victims. ”~ 60 >~ 60 > commission established that Israeli forces systematically destroyed sexual and reproductive healthcare institutions in gas. At the same time, they set the blockade and prevented the provision of humanitarian aid, including the supply of the necessary medicines and equipment. These actions violate the reproductive rights of women and girls, their right to life, health, family creation, human dignity, physical and mental immunity, freedom from torture and other cruel, inhuman or humiliating the dignity of the types of circulation, as well as the right to self -determination and principle of non -discrimination, said members of the commission. ~ 60 > 60 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 ~ 62According to them, women and girls were dying of complications related to pregnancy and childbirth, due to the conditions created by the Israeli authorities, which deprived their access to medical care. These actions, according to the report, fall under the determination of the crime against humanity “extermination”. “genocidal acts” commission came to the conclusion that the actions of the Israeli authorities correspond to two categories of acts Genocide determined by the Roman Statute and the Convention on Genocide. These actions include the intentional creation of such conditions that lead to the physical destruction of the Palestinians, and the introduction of measures aimed at preventing the birth rate. ~ 60 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62“Aiming for reproductive healthcare institutions, including direct attacks on maternity departments and the main clinic of extracurporeal fertilization (ECO) in gas, in combination using hunger as a method of warfare, affected all the reproductive aspects,” said Pillei. – These violations not only caused serious direct physical and mental damage to women and girls, but also caused irreversible long -term consequences for mental health, reproductive capabilities and fertility of the Palestinians as a group. ”~ 60 > 60 > the commission recorded the share of the deaths of women in gas, which reached an“ unprecedented Level “due to the purposeful attacks of Israel on residential buildings and the use of explosives in densely populated areas. Cases are also documented when women and girls of all ages became the target, including patients of maternity departments, which, according to the members of the commission, is a crime against humanity and a war crime. Israel categorically rejects Sales 60 > in the press release published on Wednesday, the Israeli mission in Geneva stated that the Israeli government “categorically rejects unreasonable accusations” contained in the report Commission. 60 > Israel accused the UN independent International Commission of investigating the topic of sexual violence “In order to promote its prejudice and predetermined political agenda, which causes damage to the important work of international institutions to combat these disgusting crimes as weapons as weapons as weapons as weapons War “.


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