since the Taliban has introduced a ban on drug production in 2022, opium prices in Afghanistan rose ten times. This is evidenced by the latest UN data. The UN Drugs and Crime Office (UNP UN) reported on Wednesday that last year one kilogram of opium cost $ 750 in Afghanistan – compared to $ 75 only three years ago. The price increase compensated to sellers to reduce poppy crops and the loss of opium production. & Amp; NBSP; since 2021, the volume of heroin and opium exemptions decreased by about 50 percent, the UN UNP noted. A decrease in the production of these drugs in Afghanistan has led to a reduction in the illegal turnover of opiates in the world as a whole. & Amp; nbsp; opium is the main active ingredient in natural origin used in the production of heroin, a more powerful synthetic drug. The three main sources of the origin of illegal opium in the world are Afghanistan, Colombia and Myanmar. & Amp; nbsp; because of higher prices, manufacturers and drug dealers still make huge profits, noted in the UNP of the UN & nbsp; stocks are enough until 2027 years According to UN estimates, opiates in Afghanistan at the end of 2022 amounted to 13,200 tons, which is enough to potential satisfaction of the general demand for Afghan opiates in the world until 2027. & Amp; nbsp; “A sharp increase in opium prices and its significant reserves mean that the illegal drug trafficking in Afghanistan remains a very profitable form of illegal trade,” said the executive executive. Director of UNP UN Gada Vali. – We need a coordinated strategy for combating drugs, aimed at eliminating unlawful circulation networks and providing investments in viable sources of existence for farmers. ”& Amp; NBSP; Afghan stocks were estimated at 4.6 to 5.9 billion dollars, which ranged from 23 to 29 percent of the country’s party to the country in the UDP 2023. & Amp; nbsp; problems of farmers taking into account that 60 percent of opium reserves are in the hands of large traders and exporters, most farmers who previously grown opium are probably experienced by serious financial difficulties, the UNP UNP, UNP UNP, UNP, UNP, UNP UNP, UNP UNP, UNP Having emphasized that now there are urgently needed sustainable economic alternatives aimed at repulsing farmers to return to grow opium poppy. & nbsp; UNP also warned that opium deficiency could motivate buyers and sellers to switch to alternative types of drugs, such as fentalism, which are potentially more harmful and dangerous, dangerous and hazardous, hazard than heroin.