Guterres announced the priority of the UN reform: taxpayers’ money should be spent on helping those in need

The UN head today presented a new initiative aimed at reforming the organization. Guterres announced the priority of the UN reform: taxpayers’ money should be spent on helping those in need UN United Nations will pay priority to the reforms, thanks to which its activities will remain effective and will be devoted to the people to whom it serves, the general secretary of Antoniu Guterrish said on Wednesday, speaking to journalists at the UN headquarters. He officially announced the launch of the UN-80 initiative, aimed at improving the efficiency of the organization and making structural changes to its work. UN reflects this world in all its aspects, and now, in times of uncertainty and unpredictability, it is needed by the international community more than ever before, Gaterrish emphasized. & Amp; nbsp; 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 ~ 62“Our values ​​have never been more relevant. The needs of the [population] were never so big. And the more we do together within the United Nations to solve large -scale problems around the world, the less individual countries have to do alone, ”said the UN head. 60 ~ h2 > gutherrish that the UN was an important, unique platform For international meetings aimed at promoting peace, development and human rights. ~ 60 > “But resources are reduced in all areas, and this has been happening for a long time. So, over the last seven of the last seven of the United Nations, the organization of liquidity has faced a liquidity crisis, because not all member states pay [contributions] in full, and many also do not pay on time, ”said the head of the UN. ~ 60 > as of March 11, only 75 of 193 member states are completely They paid their contributions to the organization’s budget for 2025, approved by the General Assembly in the amount of 3.72 billion dollars in December last year. 60 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 >Last year, 152 countries were completely paid to their contributions by December 31, and in 2023 – 142 countries. ~ 60 > make the UN more efficient Buterrish that he was in the post of General Secretary, he was, he He stopped the implementation of the reform program designed to do the work of the organization “more efficient and economical”, “simplify the procedures and decentralize solutions, increase transparency and accountability”, and also pay more attention to areas such as digital technologies. ~ 60 > 60 > Gutherrish noted that the Pact in the Name of the Future and the analytical note “The UND 2.0 ”are also aimed at renewing the UN and bringing its work in accordance with the realities of the 21st century. “These efforts are not an end in itself. They are aimed at serving better people whose life depends on us. They relate to hardworking taxpayers around the world that guarantee everything that we do. They are also aimed at providing appropriate conditions for everyone who serves under the UN flag, performing their important work, ”said the Secretary General. ~ 60 >“ For all these reasons, it is extremely important that such a complex and important organizational system, as the UN, subject itself to a strict and regular test to evaluate the task of effective achievement goals, ”he added. ~ 60 > 80th anniversary-the right moment to reform the one ~ 60 > he emphasized that the current year is 80 years old, is a suitable moment for expanding all corresponding corresponding corresponding ones effort. “That is why I informed the UN member states that I officially launch the so-called UN-80 initiative. I appointed a special internal target group, headed by Deputy Secretary General Gayy Ryder, which will include leaders representing the entire UN system, ”said Guterres. 60 > group will present proposals in three directions. Firstly, in a short time, it will be revealed how to improve the UN work and make it more effective. Secondly, an assessment of the implementation of all the mandates of the organization provided to it by member states will be assessed. Thirdly, a strategic overview aimed at deeper, structural changes and the restructuring of programs in the UN system will be carried out. ~ ~ 60 > “Under the leadership of the Chairman of the General Assembly, I will closely and regularly consult with all the Member States about the reached progress, asking for instructions on further actions. and presenting specific decisions for discussion and making decisions, ”said the head of the UN. 60 ~ h2 > stronger UN ~ 60 > Gutherrish added that he would begin to carry out the necessary work in which he is authorized to carry out:“ This is “this It goes far beyond technical issues. The United Nations budget is not just a balance of numbers, it is a matter of life and death for millions of people around the world. ”~ 60 > summarizing his performance, the head of the UN said:“ The goal is clear: an even stronger and effective organization of the United Nations, which benefits people and is built in the XXI century “.


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