Children make up 38 percent of human trafficking victims around the world

62 ~Children workers in a career for the production of granite in Burkina-Faso. Children make up 38 percent of human trafficking victims around the world Human rights vulnerability of children in the face of people’s merchants is enhanced all over the world. About this, speaking at the 58th session of the UN Council for Human Rights on Tuesday, said the special representative of the Secretary General on the issue of violence against children Naja Maalla Majid. 62 ~According to the special representative, children’s trafficking intersects with other forms of violence: children often encounter cruel treatment and operation before, during and after they became victims of human trafficking. & Amp; nbsp; “Poverty, food deficiency, humanitarian crises, conflicts, forced movement – along with social and gender inequality – They contribute to the growth of this type of crime, ”said Maalla Majid. – Children’s trading carries destructive and long -term consequences, leading to a closed cycle of violence and social isolation from generation to generation. “& Amp; nbsp; according to the last global report on human trafficking, children make up 38 percent of human trafficking in the world, and this figure has increased significantly over the past five years. & nbsp; human trafficking networks are growing an alarming pace and become more and more organized, the special representative continued. The commission of these crimes is facilitated by new digital technologies. Throughout the world, the demand for sexual exploitation of children on the Internet is growing, home slavery, children’s marriages, recruitment of children in armed groups, coercion to begging and criminal activity are widely practiced. & Amp; nbsp; number of accusations for tending children, according to the nades, Maalla Majid, remain low, and the perpetrators often remain unpunished. Corruption, stigmatization, fear and lack of protection limit the ability of children to report violations and achieve justice. As a result, the trade in children remains inexpensive and small, but at the same time a highly profitable crime that brings billions of dollars annually. & Amp; nbsp; “The termination of children’s trafficking is an emergency task and it is possible if we invest more funds in social systems and systems for protecting children and if we ampatient accountability, putting the end of the impunity of the criminals,” concluded the end of the impunity of the criminals, ”concluded Special representative.


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