Syria: At the UN they are called to hold all the perpetrators in violence

Destruction in the north-west of Syria (archive). Syria: At the UN they are called to hold all the perpetrators in violence Peace and safety Employees of the UN Human Rights Office (UVKPH) documented the death of 111 civilians killed during the recent surge of violence in the coastal regions of Syria, but the real number is much higher – the verification process continues. This was stated on Tuesday by the press secretary of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Tamin al-Chitan. According to the UVKPH, many of the documented cases are considered as executions without proper trial. Judging by the available information, they were committed on a sectarian basis, as reported, unidentified by armed persons, members of armed groups, allegedly supporting the security forces of temporary authorities, and persons associated with the former government, in the provinces of Tartus, Latakia and Hama. murders. families 60 > al-Chitan emphasized that entire families were killed in a number of extremely alarming incidents, including women, children and people who did not participate in the hostilities, in particular, in cities and villages in which the Alawit population prevailed. According to numerous certificates collected by UVKPH, during the raids from local residents asked if they were Alavites or Sunnis before killing or sparing them. The survivors said that many men were shot before the eyes of family members. In the period from March 6 to 7, armed persons, allegedly associated with former government security forces, held raids in several hospitals in Latakia, Tartus and Banias. According to the statement of the press secretary of the UVKPH, they entered into clashes with the forces of the temporary authorities and the armed formations associated with them. According to reports, this led to dozens of victims among the civilian population, including patients, doctors and medical students, as well as damage to hospitals. ~ 60 > 62 > 62 ~~ 60 > in the last days the large-scale-scale was also processed in the last days. looting. Many civilians left their homes and moved to rural areas, while some of them were reported, looking for shelters at the air base controlled by Russian troops. 60 > temporary authorities announced the termination of operations in the coastal regions on March 10. Nevertheless, messages about periodic clashes continue to come. UVKPF documented violations and abuses, and also has appropriate videos, Al-Hitan noted. At the same time, he continued, tension is fueled by hateful statements and the widespread dissemination of misinformation, including the publication of personnel torn from the context. The administration expressed concern that a significant surge of inflammatory rhetoric and disinformation could further strengthen the fear and tension in the Syrian society. 62 ~~ 60 > responsibility for crimes Supreme Commissioner of the UN UN UN Human Rights Folker Turk, according to al-Khitan, calls to hold guilty in all crimes. The Turk welcomed the announcement of the temporary authorities on the creation of an independent investigation committee. He called for ensuring that the investigations were operational, careful, independent and impartial. “All the perpetrators in violations should be held accountable, regardless of their belonging, in accordance with the norms and standards of international law. The victims and their relatives have the right to establish truth, justice and compensation for damage, ”the statement says. ~ 60 > to prevent the repetition of violations, the process of verification and integration of armed groups into the military structures of Syria must comply with the international obligations of the country and take into account the responsibility of all those involved and recent crimes, the responsibility of all those involved and recent crimes, They emphasized in UVKPh.


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