A meeting of the UN Security Council. The Security Council discussed the situation in Afghanistan Human rights The de facto authorities of Afghanistan “selectively approach their international obligations”, rejecting some of them under the pretext that they allegedly encroach on the country’s sovereignty or contradict its traditions. This position prevents promotion along the political path and exacerbates the situation of the inhabitants of Afghanistan. This was announced on Monday to members of the Security Council by the special representative of the UN Secretary General and the head of the UN Mission to assist Afghanistan Rosa Otunbaev. total uncertainty The UN staff, according to her, support constant contacts with Afghans throughout the country representing different strata of society. More and more Afghans turn to the UN mission in order to express their concern and discontent with the intervention de facto authorities in their private life. They fear the further isolation of Afghanistan from the rest of the world. “After three and a half years of Taliban’s reign, they are pleased with the lack of armed conflict, more stability and relative freedom of movement,” said Otunbaeva. -However, this is not the world in which they can live with dignity, in compliance with human rights and confidence in the stable future. ”~ 60 > humanitarian crisis 60 > Afghans still experienced a serious humanitarian crisis caused For decades of the conflict, deeply rooted in poverty, climatic shocks, an increase in the population and increasing threats, especially for women and girls. More than half of the population – about 23 million people – need humanitarian assistance. However, the volume of this assistance is rapidly reduced. “The decline in financing of humanitarian aid is already exerting and will continue to have a serious influence on the Afghan people,” Otunbaeva warned. – Over the past month, more than 200 medical institutions have been closed, which affected about 1.8 million people. The provision of vital services for the treatment of children’s malnutrition is limited, partner organizations significantly reduced their presence and coordination capabilities. “& Amp; nbsp; 62 ~~ 60 > according to her, this will lead to the deaths of people, loss of sources of funds for the existence and further weakening of previously achieved successes in Development. 60 > Otunbaeva thanked the World Bank for the decision to additionally allocate $ 240 million to support the Afghan health sector until November 2026. ~ 60 > increase Economics 60 > Afghan economy in 2024 increased by about 2.7 percent, but in short -term and medium -term prospects the current growth rates will not be able to compensate for the reduction of foreign assistance and growth in the population. 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 ~ 62“In the long run, the course proclaimed by the authorities the course on economic self-sufficiency cannot be fully realized if the existing obstacles to the reintegration of Afghanistan into the international system are not eliminated. And here the question of the international obligations of Afghanistan arises again, ”the representative of the UN emphasized. women’s rights ~ 60 > as for human rights, significant restrictions on women were not weakened, despite the global calls and numerous appeals of themselves. Afghans. Among such initiatives, according to Otunbaeva, we can distinguish the efforts of the organization of Islamic cooperation, which recently sent a delegation to Kabul to promote the Jidd declaration on the rights of women in Islam, as well as the January summit in Islamabad, dedicated to the formation of girls in Muslim societies. ~ 60 > ~ 60 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 ~ 62She added that these and other events clearly show that the restrictions introduced by the Taliban, including the ban on the education for girls who will soon enter their fourth tragic year, “have no grounds in Islam.” ~ 60 >~ 60 > unfortunately, continued the actual Ministry of Health of the country Close medical institutions for women and girls, eliminating one of the last remaining ways to receive vocational education. ~ 60 > this new restriction exacerbates the existing long -term deficiency of specialists necessary to protect the health of women and the entire population of Afghanistan. It will also lead to a further deterioration in the situation with maternal and child mortality, which already remains one of the highest in the world. ~ 60 > UN mission, according to her, carefully monitors how the Taliban applies their “law on the prevention of vice and encouraging virtue”, adopted in August last year, and last year. For its consequences, including a negative impact on the economy, human rights and the private life of the Afghans. “This law demonstrates that the actual authorities put ideology above their international obligations. It remains a serious obstacle to the implementation of the political process necessary for the reintegration of Afghanistan into the international community, ”Rosa Otunbaeva is convinced.