Explain | What is a commission for women and why it is important 

Women in Eastern Java, Indonesia, discuss how they can contribute to the establishment of peace in their communities. Explain | What is a commission for women and why it is important  Women Since in the 1940s the former first lady of the United States and the fighter for human rights Eleanor Roosevelt inspired the UN to create the first subcommission on the position of women, every March of thousands of women from around the world are found at the UN headquarters in New York. The annual meeting of the current UN Commission on Women (CCP) is devoted to discussing the problems of inequality, violence and discrimination. & Amp; nbsp; ~ 60 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 ~ 62 here are five things that you need to know about the activities of the commission: & nbsp; 1. 80 years of active activity The work of the subcommission began a few days after at the first meeting of the UN General Assembly in 1946, Eleanor Roosevelt read out an open letter addressed to women in the world. & Amp; nbsp; The first lady of the United States urged governments to encourage women to more active participation in national and international affairs, as well as to work on the restoration and provision of peace – “how they did it in this The time of war and resistance “. & nbsp; ~ 60 > UN Commission on Economic and Social Affairs (Ecosos) quickly established the corresponding subcommission. It included six countries – China, Denmark, the Dominican Republic, France, India, Lebanon and Poland. They were instructed to evaluate the problems related to the situation of women in order to advise on these issues the UN Human Rights Commission, the predecessor of the UN Human Rights Council. 62 ~ The subcommission for women holds a press conference in New York on May 14, 1946. in their first report members of the subcommission promised that her work would continue until the women reached equal rights with men in all areas of human activity. 62 ~~ 60 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 ~By June 1946, the subcommission officially began to be called the women’s position commission as one of the auxiliary ECOSOSS bodies. From 1947 to 1962, she was engaged in the establishment of standards and the formulation of international conventions to change discriminatory legislation and increase global awareness of women’s problems. 62 ~ 2. The iconic international agreements & nbsp; ~ 60 > already in the first days of the commission’s existence, its members contributed to the adoption of a number of sign international conventions. Here are just some of them … & nbsp; ~ ~ 60 > supporting Eleanor Roosevelt, the chairman of the editorial committee of the universal declaration of human rights, in 1948 the commission opposed the use of the word “man” (men) as a synonym for “humanity” (Humanity) and introduced New, more inclusive formulations in the final version adopted by the General Assembly. ~ 60 > In 1963, efforts to consolidate standards in the field of women’s rights led to the fact that the General Assembly turned to the commission to develop a declaration of discrimination against women, which was adopted by the World Organization in 1967. in In 1979, the women’s position commission played a key role in the adoption of an innovative declaration, which still remains a key document of global policy in the field of gender equality – the Convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women. & Amp; nbsp; 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62The commission played a key role in the adoption of the Beijing Declaration and the 1995 Action Platform, the key global political document in the field of gender equality. 3. More countries-more needs & nbsp; ~ 60 > in connection with the growing number of UN members and the emergence of evidence in the 1960s that women suffer from poverty, the commission concentrated their attention to such issues in rural areas, conducting, conducting the conduct agricultural work, family planning and the development of scientific and technological progress. She also urged the United Nations to expand technical assistance to further improve the situation of women, especially in developing countries. & Amp; nbsp; in 1975 the United Nations held a series of events within the framework of the international year of women and convened the first World Women’s Conference, held in Mexico. In 1977, the UN officially recognized International Women’s Day, which is celebrated annually on March 8. & nbsp; In 2010, after several years of negotiations, the General Assembly adopted a resolution on the unification of the relevant sections and departments of the United Nations into the UN structure on gender equality and expansion of the rights and capabilities of women (UN General region), which continues to closely cooperate with the Regulation Commission on Regulations women. & nbsp; 4. A new agenda ~ 60 > on the annual sessions of the commission for women, urgent problems are discussed, and progress and gaps in the implementation of the Beijing platform of actions are evaluated. Then the member states coordinate further steps to accelerate progress. & Amp; nbsp; ~ 60 > commission deals with such issues as climate change, gender violence, ensuring the comprehensive participation of women in the process of decision-making and in strategies of sustainable development. & nbsp; every year the women’s position commission sends its agreed conclusions to the eco -based to take further measures. & Amp; nbsp; 60 > in order to cover all women and ensure that no one is forgotten, the women’s status commission to the activities of the agenda of the agenda Days in the field of sustainable development for the period until 2030 – in order to accelerate the achievement of gender equality and expand the rights and capabilities of women. & nbsp; 62 ~ 5. From words – to the case & nbsp; The methods of eradicating poverty among women are well -known, they include investing in politics and programs aimed at eliminating gender inequality and involving women in decision -making, as well as eliminate gender gap in the field of employment. This will allow more than 100 million women and girls to get out of poverty, create 300 million jobs and increase the gross domestic product per capita by 20 percent in all regions of the world. & Amp; nbsp; ~ 60 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 ~ session of the commission on women in 2025 (#CSW69) will be held at the UN headquarters from March 10 to 21. 45 members of the commission and thousands of participants from around the world will take part in it. & Amp; nbsp; ~ 60 > main attention to the sessions will be assessed by the course of the implementation of the Beijing Declaration and the Platform of Actions, which will include the analysis of current problems affecting the achievement of gender equality and expanding the rights and possibilities of the rights and possibilities of the rights and possibilities women, as well as their contribution to the full implementation of the agenda for the period until 2030. & nbsp;


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