30 years of the Beijing Declaration: Hender Equality has not yet been achieved

If in the field of education it was possible to achieve success in terms of gender equal rights, then in the fight against violence, as well as discrimination of women in the economic and political sphere, a lot still has to be done. 30 years of the Beijing Declaration: Hender Equality has not yet been achieved Women equality of sexes is not just an ideal, but a necessary condition for the development of society, representatives of the international community agreed 30 years ago. In 1995, 189 states signed the Beijing Declaration and Platform of Actions – a global plan for the protection of women’s rights. So far, the full implementation of this plan has not happened. Women still earn less men, they are everywhere encountered discrimination, poverty and violence, and global crises only enhance these problems. 62 ~ “Beijing Platform of Action was adopted during hope and solidarity, when democratic and human rights institutions were strengthened, and social movements were revived and advocated rights and justice,” said Sima Bachus, the head of the UN-Builder structure. 60 > “However, it is it The thirtieth anniversary was for a year when the world is faced with serious problems: a fragile economy, an extraordinary climatic situation, an unprecedented number of armed conflicts and humanitarian crises, erosion of democracy and counteracting gender equality, ”she added. 62 > 62 > 62 ~The Beijing Declaration applies to 12 key spheres – from the economy to health care, and not all of them managed to achieve progress. If the successes are noticeable in the field of education and legislation, then in the fight against violence, as well as discrimination of women in the economic and political sphere, there is still a lot to do a lot. 60 ~ h2 economy: women work more and earn more Less than ~ 60 > one of the main goals of the Beijing platform was to provide women with equal economic rights. According to the UN, since 1995, the number of countries in which laws prohibiting gender discrimination in the field of employment have increased from 58 to 162. The number of women in business and in high positions increased. ~ 60 > 60 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 ~However, the income gap between the floors remains significant. On average, women earn 20 percent less men, and in the informal sector of the economy this difference is even greater. ~ 60 > In this case, women still have a majority of unpaid labor. Performance of housework, care for children and elderly relatives, despite some progress in this area, so far remain mainly the female task, which, in turn, limits women in terms of professional growth. Many women are forced to choose flexible or partial employment, which affects their career, income and pension savings. ~ 60 > additional barrier is limited access to financing. Women-entrepreneurs are more likely to encounter refusals when trying to get a loan, and in some countries there are still legislative restrictions on property ownership. poverty: women more Definitive Women make up the majority among the poor population of the world. In 2024, 393 million women and girls lived in extreme poverty. Even in the presence of work, they more often find themselves in unprotected areas of employment, without social guarantees and stable income. This is especially noticeable in poor countries where many women work in agriculture, services of services or an informal sector, without access to medical care and pension system. 62 ~~ 60 > The situation was aggravated during pandemia & nbsp; Covid-19. Many women lost their jobs or were forced to leave a career due to increased duties to care for the family. At the same time, it was women who compiled most of the health care workers and the social sphere who found themselves on the advanced fight against the crisis, receiving less for their work than men. ~ 60 > 60 ~ h2 ~ 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 ~ 62Violence against women: the problem takes new forms ~ 60 > every third woman in the world faces physical or sexual violence. In recent decades, 90 percent of countries introduced or strengthened laws aimed at protecting women, but they are not always executed. In some countries, criminal prosecution of criminals is difficult, and victims are faced with public pressure and fear of conviction. ~ 60 > during the period of pandemia, the number of cases of domestic violence increased sharply. Online genius is also gaining momentum-from cyberbulling to threats and digital persecution. Women-activists, journalists and politicians are especially defenseless before this new form of pressure. women in power: still an exception, and not Rule Despite the expansion of women’s participation in politics, the authorities of most countries are still represented mainly by men. Only 87 countries can boast of the fact that at least once in the entire history their leader was a woman. On average, women occupy only 23 percent of ministerial posts in the world and only 27 percent of places in parliaments. ~ 60 > Women are much more difficult for women to career in politics: they face a biased attitude, limited financial support and even threats of violence. Gender quotas have been introduced in a number of countries to increase the representation of women in parliament, but this is not enough. Power still remains an environment where women have to overcome more obstacles than men. digital technologies: new obstacles to new obstacles to equality The development of technology could become a tool for the struggle for gender equality, but so far the digital transformation only enhances discrimination. Women are less likely to receive education and find work in the field of technology and suffer about the artificial intelligence of the biased in the algorithms. ~ 60 > digital platforms also become an arena for online surveillance: threats, persecution, publication of personal data-all these are new challenges with which the states have not yet taught. Fight. 60 ~ h2 > what’s next ?~ 60 > 30s years ago there were within the Beijing Declaration and Platforms of Action were Clear goals are indicated, but today it is obvious: without radical steps, it is impossible to achieve them. Experts of the UN-Woman structure indicate the need for a new wave of reforms that should include the liquidation of the gap in wages, the protection of women from all forms of violence, including in the digital environment, the promotion of women in politics and economics, taking into account the gender factor in the fight against poverty and reform in education, especially in technological spheres. 60 > “The thirtieth anniversary of the Beijing Pack of Action, which is celebrated in 2025, makes it possible to think about the progress achieved and accelerate actions. In the structure of the “UN-female” we took this opportunity to strengthen interaction with our partners and use the existing experience to form the next stage of our work, ”said the Sima Bachus. & Amp; nbsp; & nbsp; 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 >


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