UN report: Systems for the care of elderly people and people with disabilities are ineffective and unfair

Traditional care and support systems often do not take into account the specific needs of people with disabilities. UN report: Systems for the care of elderly people and people with disabilities are ineffective and unfair Human rights existing systems for the care of elderly people and disabled people are ineffective and unfair. This conclusion is contained in the report of the UN Human Rights of Human Rights (UVKPH) published on Thursday. The current situation, the authors of the report note, often leads to the fact that people refuse rights, dignity and free will. all over the world, care and support work is often not paid or paid to an insufficient degree. Most of the work is performed by girls and elderly women, including with disabilities. 60 > Gender UN Review in 2024 shows that women spend on unpaid care and homework 2.5 hours a day more than men. This situation leads to the fact that women have fewer paid working hours, which, in turn, leads to a decrease in their income and savings. ~ 60 > 62 >Traditional care systems, the report said, often do not take into account the specific needs of people with disabilities, children, as well as young and elderly people who are often considered as passive dependents. According to estimates, 102 children out of every 100 thousand children in alternative care institutions around the world are currently living in boarding schools. According to UNICEF, in Europe and Central Asia, children with disabilities are 30 times more likely than in the world as a whole, live in institutions of boarding schools. 60 > “Various forms of inequality – on the basis of gender, disability and age, prevailing in the current system of care and support, emphasize the urgent need to unite,” emphasize the urgent need to unite. Our efforts for reforms in this area, ”said the Supreme Commissar of the UN Human Rights Folker Turk. 60 > report that existing international standards in the field of human rights related to leaving and support were developed in isolation from each other. In this regard, the authors of the document call for a more comprehensive approach to the protection of the rights of these population groups. In addition, the report calls for states to create, finance and maintain comprehensive and based human rights of the care system, and to business circles – observe the relevant standards in the field of human rights both as employers and as service providers. & Amp; nbsp; 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62


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