The UNDD program helped the designer from Belarus not get off the distance at the beginning of the way to the success of his own business

In August 2024, Anastasia became a member of the mentor program for entrepreneurs, which was held as part of the initiative of the UN Development Program for the promotion of sustainable socio-economic development of Belarus. The UNDD program helped the designer from Belarus not get off the distance at the beginning of the way to the success of his own business Economic development Anastasia Semenova creates knitted bags and quilted backpacks. For more than ten years, she successfully worked in hiring, even developed a toy for Belarusian participants in Eurovision. The girl always dreamed of working for herself, but for a long time she did not dare to do it. She recorded her first instagram videos with a trembling voice, and now she no longer imagines her life without communication with the audience. path to your own business ~ 60 > 62 > 62 ~Anastasia was a creative child, loved to draw. As a teenager, she visited an art school. When it was time to choose a university for admission, she could go to anyone, but preferred the Minsk State College to them A.K. Glebov. Having finished it, it was necessary to look for work, and since graduates without experience were reluctant to take somewhere, the girl decided to contact the toy factory. Her representatives once came to college, where she studied, presented the company and invited her to work. ~ 60 > in the factory Anastasia worked for six years, creating toys according to her own sketches. One of her works even went down in history. In 2010, the group “3+2” represented Belarus at the Eurovision International Competition with the song Butterfly. An order for a toy in the form of a butterfly, which the Belarusian delegation planned to use for promo participants, came to the factory where the girl worked. Anastasia was invited to fulfill the order, and she successfully coped with this task. “I have the task of making a bright toy in front of me so that it attracted attention. Inside, we inserted a module with a recorded song of the group. When pressed, she began to play. Because of this module, the butterfly turned out to be chubby and very charming, ”recalls Anastasia. ~ 60 > after working at the factory Anastasia continued her career in other companies, engaged in embroidery and development of specifications. However, at some point, she realized that she had enough experience to open her own business. During the work in hiring, she managed to develop as a designer and learn to create worthy products. 62 ~ opening own business 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 ~ 62In June 2024, Anastasia resigned and began to work for herself. She began to develop her blog on Instagram, which became for her the exit from the comfort zone. She recorded her first stories with a trembling voice, but with each new access to the audience it turned out better. & nbsp; “I liked to study people, their preferences. Sometimes I wouldn’t even think about the combinations of colors that they offer, but in the end interesting work is obtained. My clients choose non -standard solutions, they want to express themselves, ”Anastasia shares. ~ 60 > cost of Anastasia’s products varies from 65 to 150 rubles, and backpacks can be purchased for 180. She understands that the price can be raised because the materials are expensive. In the summer, she sews flax backpacks, purchasing it in the Orsha on the flax plant, and in winter – from dense cotton. There are also products from costume and furniture fabric. In the spring, the revenue of Anastasia from the sale of bags was equal to the salary in hiring, and in May it was possible to earn twice as much. Such a result inspired her, but in the fall, orders became much less. & nbsp; “I think that the school period began, and parents were not up to self -expression, she is talking. – For me, this was a test and a signal that you need to look for new ways of selling and presenting yourself and your products. ”~ 60 > participation in mentor The program ~ 60 > 62 ~ in August 2024 the girl became a member of the mentor program for entrepreneurs, which was held as part of the UN Development Program (UNDP) to promote sustainable socio-economic development of Belarus in partnership with the Ministry of Economics. In the program, Anastasia worked paired with a mentor – An experienced entrepreneur who helped the designer solve the problems of the development of her business. ~ 60 > “I realized that I spoke little about my activity and did not engage in a personal brand. In the city where I live, no one knew about me, and for business it is unfavorable and inefficient, ”Anastasia admits. – The mentor program has become a guide for me in a society of the same business interested in business who want development and growth. I felt a great and important role of communication, the ability to interact, briefly and capacious to speak about myself and what I can be useful to other people. ”62 ~ In August 2024, Anastasia became a member of the mentor program for entrepreneurs, which was held as part of the initiative of the UN Development Program for the promotion of sustainable socio-economic development of Belarus. But he understands that the assistant is needed, because in the process of sewing it has no time to make a break and find time to come up with something new. According to the girl herself, the lack of novelty is one of the reasons why there is no influx of new customers. 60 > “In the program itself, a lot of time was devoted to setting a goal, and this has become an important experience to distinguish the main and concrete. This can be clearly traced, as in the process of the program, my goal was transformed from increasing the number of sales to testing, analyzing promotion channels to increase the audience, and then sales, ”the girl said. ~ > Anastasia organized a meeting with other participants and mentors. They responded to requests, shared their experience, materials and developments. Thanks to the participants from Mogilev, the designer found out that the fashionable fashion show “Fashion Cocktail” is taking place in this city. Participation in it turned out to be one of the effective ways to promote business. & nbsp; results with the mentor 62 > 62 > 62 ~ the girl’s mentor was Anastasia Titova, who has extensive experience in the services of services and online products. They started with work on a personal brand, and Anastasia began to appear more often on social networks, to tell about herself and her products. Such interaction with the audience helps to create loyalty to the brand. ~ 60 > “For several months I searched and tested new channels of promotion. For example, in December I took part in the artisan fair, as well as in a fashion show. At the fair, I managed to sell twice as many products than in the previous period. And activity on social networks increased 10 times, ”says Anastasia. She also developed new products: created gift certificates, offers for commercial customers, discounts, have implemented the opportunity for subscribers to participate in the development of bag design. 60 > 62 ~ 62 Entrepreneurs ~ 60 > for four months of the mentor program, the participants were able to accelerate the development of their business, find new niches and increase profit. For Anastasia, as for many other participants, the mentor program helped not to get off the distance at the beginning of the way to the success of their business. ~ 60 > “One of the main insights that I received is not to be afraid of risking,” she says. – I saw what bold people are. They take a loan for the development of their business, believe in themselves and do not even allow the thought that they will not succeed. ”~ 60 > mentoring provides personal support, exchange of experience and knowledge to solve specific business development tasks. This reduces barriers to new entrepreneurs, accelerates the introduction of innovation and increases the stability of business. The program helped entrepreneurs to develop leadership skills, expand professional networks and get expert advice. & Amp; nbsp; & nbsp; ~ ~ 60 > expansion of women’s employment opportunities is an important direction of the national plan to ensure gender equality in the Republic of Belarus on the Republic of Belarus 2021–2025. Particular attention is paid to the support of women’s entrepreneurship, which contributes to the development of small and medium -sized businesses (SMEs), which plays an important role in the country’s economy. 62 ~


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