Supreme Commissioner of the UN Human Rights Folker Turk. The main human rights activist of the UN said that international order and global stability is under threat International law ~ 60 > the world is experiencing a period of turbulence and unpredictability, which is reflected in expanding conflicts and the split of society. About this today, speaking at the 58th session of the Human Rights Council, said the chief human rights activist of the UN Folker Turk. & Amp; nbsp; “What we are experiencing concerns the essence of the international order – the order that brought us an unprecedented level of global stability. We cannot allow the fundamental global consensus around international norms and institutions, which was painstakingly built for decades, collapsed before our eyes, ”said the Supreme Commissioner of the UN Human Rights. ~ 60 > 60 > according to the International Committee of the Red Cross, in the world will now rage 120 conflicts, in the world, in the world. The course of which the legal norms designed to defend the civilian population. 60 > “civilians are subjected to intentional attacks. Sexual violence and hunger are used as a weapon of war. Humanitarian access is blocked, while the weapon is crossing the boundaries and bypassing international sanctions. Humanitarian workers are attacked, ”said the Turk. 60 > in 2024 356 humanitarian workers were killed in the world, this is a record indicator. 62 ~~ 60 > The Supreme Commissioner reminded of ongoing conflicts – reminiscent of continuing conflicts – From the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Sudan and Yemen to Ukraine, Gaza and Myanmar. “The number of victims among the civilian population increased by 30 percent from 2023 to 2024. The Russian armed forces systematically cause coordinated attacks on the energy infrastructure of Ukraine, ”emphasized He. & nbsp; Ukraine ~ 60 > “Russian Federation in the occupied territory. limit the fundamental rights and freedoms of Ukrainians. I am alarmed by the continuing messages about the out -of -court executions and large -scale and systematic torture of Ukrainian prisoners of war with Russian troops, ”the Turk added. he also noted that any discussions regarding the end of the war should be held with the participation Ukrainians. 60 ~ h2 > gas and western coast ~ 60 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 ~ 62“We must make sure that the fragile ceasefire in gas will be preserved and will become the basis for the world. Any termination of violence cycles should be based on human rights, including the right to self -determination, the rule of law and accountability. All hostages must be freed; All arbitrarily detained must be released; And the delivery of humanitarian assistance to gas should be immediately resumed, ”said the Turk. ~ 60 > Supreme Commissioner also expressed concern for the tactics that is used against the Palestinians on the west coast, the destruction of refugees camps, the expansion of illegal settlements and with hard restrictions on the restrictions on Movement. 60 > “unilateral actions of Israel and threats of the annexation of the western coast that violate international law should stop,” said the main human rights defender of the UN. 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 ~ 62 thing Congo A recent escalation in the east of the Democratic Republic of the Congo can cover the entire region, Turk noted. Over the past five weeks, thousands of people have been killed during intensive battles between the M23 armed group, supported by the Armed Forces of Rwanda, and the armed forces of the DRC and their allies. ~ 60 > 60 > “Horrifying rape reports and mass executions are received,” said it Turk. He called for the cessation of violence and the renewal of the dialogue. peaceful negotiations between Armenia and Azerbaijan ~ 60 > Supreme Commissioner said that he carefully monitors the continuing peaceful negotiations between Armenia and Azerbaijan “In the hope that they will lead to the process of establishing truth, healing and healing and reconciliation “. All arbitrarily detained in Azerbaijan, including ethnic Armenians, must be immediately released, and the right to a fair trial should be fully observed, he said, he said. & Amp; nbsp; ~ 60 > > restrictions on Russian freedoms in Russia and restrictions in Russia and restrictions in Russia Belarus ~ 60 > 62 ~ according to the Turk, many reports of the continued suppression of civil society and independent media in the Russian Federation under the pretext of ensuring national security. “Many journalists and activists, including those who protest against the war, encountered persecution, arrests or exile, which led to the almost complete eradication of any form of dissent in the country,” said the Supreme Commissioner. ~ 60 > 60 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62He also noted serious restrictions on freedom of speech, associations and meetings in Belarus, adding that “human rights activism has almost disappeared.” The Turk noted the recent series of exemptions from custody and called on the authorities to release all the arbitrarily detained. ~ 60 > power “technological oligarchs ”~ 60 > Supreme Commissioner noted the new dynamics of power. Never before have individuals and corporations have such a control over our life, he emphasized. The “technological oligarchs”, the Turk recalled, has our data: they know where we live, what we do, what genes we have and what the state of our health is, they know our thoughts, our habits, our desires and our fears. “And they know how to manipulate us,” he said. ~ 60 > “Any form of unregulated power can lead to oppression, subordination and even tyranny,” added Turk. 60 ~ h2 > dehumanization during election campaigns ~ ~ > “I followed the recent voting elements Campances in Europe, North America and its borders with increasing anxiety. Unilateral, devoid of the essence of the statement is too simplifying the difficult issue, is often the search for scapegoats, disinformation and dehumanization, ”he continued. 60 > Turk emphasized that dehumanization is“ a dangerous predecessor of hatred and violence ”, and it is necessary stop. 60 > Supreme Commissioner said: the UN is in solidarity with those that feels “alienated and abandoned”, and will continue to defend human rights around the world.