Despite the preserved security problems, including recent drones of drones, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) continues to monitor the situation at Ukrainian nuclear power plants. This, speaking at a meeting of the Council of Governing Magate on Monday, said the General Director of the Agency Rafael Mariano Grossy. & nbsp; & nbsp; Magate retains the presence at Ukrainian nuclear power plants, ensuring the safe operation of the most important nuclear infrastructure facilities, he emphasized, however, damage to the energy supply system as a result of continuing military operations is of significant risk for the safe operation of nuclear power plants. 60 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62“Last month, the drone caused significant damage to the protective construction of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, built to prevent a radioactive emission from the reactor,” said Grossy. – Although this incident has not led to a radioactive emission, it nevertheless emphasizes the preserved risk to nuclear security during a military conflict. ”~ 60 >~ 60 > according to the head of the IAEA, at the Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant (ZAES), where six reactor units are in a cold stop, an external system The power supply remains extremely vulnerable. Within a week after the loss of the last remaining reserve power line, the ZAES personnel were forced to rely on the only working line. international cooperation ~ 60 > 62 > 62 > 62 >Within the framework of the Magate Technical Cooperation Program, he continued Grossy, and significant progress was achieved in 2024: emergency assistance was provided to countries affected by natural disasters; Interaction with more than one hundred states in the field of the use of nuclear technologies for peaceful purposes continues. The agency pays special attention to the development of new nuclear technologies, including small modular reactors and thermonuclear energy. ~ 60 > to date, according to the General Director of the Magate, 417 nuclear reactors in 31 countries with a capacity of almost 377 gigavatts provide the production of about 10 percent of the total total Electricity in the world. ~ 60 > Iranian nuclear program ~ 60 > Iranian nuclear program, according to the head of the Magate, remains in the field of close attention of the agency. Recent data indicate a significant increase in the reserves of enriched uranium in Iran. In this regard, Rafael Mariano Grossy called the Iranian authorities for transparency and cooperation. ~ 60 > global Magate Protocols of Nuclear Security, preparing for the 2026 conference on the consideration of the agreement on non -consumption of nuclear weapons To ensure environmental stability, energy safety and successful work of the healthcare sector. ~ 60 > in the coming year, Grossy said, the GRADE will continue to support the development of peaceful nuclear technologies, while solving the problems of safety and non -consumption around world.