UN Secretary General Antoniu Guterrish in Geneva. The main news of the day | Monday: Ukraine, Palestine, HSC UN The main news of the day in the UN and in the world: the General Assembly adopted two resolutions in Ukraine, the escalation of violence on the western shore, opening & nbsp; 58th session of the Human Rights Council. resolution in Ukraine 60 ~ p class = “Text-align-justify” > on the third anniversary of the start of a full-scale war against Ukraine at the headquarters The UN in New York resumed the 11th special emergency session of the General Assembly for the situation in this country. Ukraine and the United States presented their projects resolutions for voting. The General Assembly accepted both options. The draft resolution, presented by the United States, was adopted with the amendments proposed by the European Union, the United States under the vote under this document abstained. ~ 60 > 60 ~ h2 class = “Text-align-justify” > western coast General Secretary is alarmed by the escalation of violence and large-scale operations of Israeli security forces in the northern regions & nbsp; occupied western coast, the UN official representative at a press-briting in New Yorka said today . The Secretary General, according to him, & NBSP; is deeply concerned about the growing number of dead, including children, & NBSP; as well as the expansion of the scale of the forced resettlement and destruction of civil infrastructure. According to the Coordination of Humanitarian issues, the day before, Israel transferred military tanks and additional forces to Jennin, as reported, with the goal of & nbsp; prevent the return of local residents there. ~ 60 > advice by human rights 60 ~ p class = “Text-align -justification” > General Secretary of the UN Antoniu Gutherrish performed at the opening of the 58th session of the Human Rights Council in Geneva. He emphasized that the human rights around the world are threatened by autocrats who suppress the opposition, “because they are afraid of what a strong people can do.” The UN Secretary General criticized the rhetoric of “division and anger” and those who trace human rights in their desire to “power, profit and control”. He also recalled the growing intolerance to many of the most defenseless and marginalized groups – migrants, refugees, representatives of the indigenous peoples and communities of LGBTKI+. 62 ~