For arid and semi -sucker regions, such as Central Asia, effective water resource management and international cooperation in this area – key conditions for sustainable development Central Asia expands cooperation on the sustainable use of general rivers The climate and the environment Over the past three years, the countries of Central Asia have concluded four new bilateral agreements to manage river water resources. In the context of climate change, cooperation between the countries of the region is becoming more and more active. However, there are already gaps in the matter of protecting cross -border groundwater. These topics were discussed at the regional seminar, which was held in February in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. for arid and semi -drying regions, such as Central Asia, effective water resource management and international cooperation in this area are key conditions for sustainable development. The Tsur 6.5.2 indicator, which was discussed at the seminar, assesses the level of interaction between countries in this matter. Regular monitoring of this indicator helps to strengthen trust between states and develop long -term joint water use strategies. cross -border rivers ~ 60 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 ~ 62According to the third reporting cycle, conducted with the support of the European Economic Commission (EC) of the UN and UNESCO in 2023–2024, in Central Asia there are more and more bilateral agreements on cross -border waters. For example, Kyrgyzstan improved its indicators due to the signing in 2022 of two agreements with Uzbekistan. ~ > 62 ~ Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan also signed two new agreements in 2021 and 2022 to protect the Amu Darya River. Although these countries have already cooperated in this matter, the new agreement of 2022 makes a special emphasis on interaction in the context of climate change and growing water deficiency. It provides that any actions affecting the natural runoff of the Amu Darya, including the construction of hydraulic facilities, must undergo an independent international examination. 62 ~ underground waters Cooperation in 45 cross -border aquifers (layers of the Earth containing water) of Central Asia is still behind the rivers control, but there is also progress. So, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan began to work together on the protection of the Protashkent cross -border water -bearing horizon located in the Syr Darya basin. Due to the active water fence, its reserves are depleted, and the deterioration of the quality of groundwater becomes a serious problem. In 2022, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan developed a road map to protect the Protashkent cross -border water -bearing horizon and its sustainable use. The document is designed to strengthen cooperation on these issues. ~ 60 > Read also: ~~~ ~ ~ ~~D 60 ~ h3 > interview | Most of the consequences of climate change are associated with water 60 ~ p > at the seminar the possibility of using existing cooperation mechanisms such as the Water Economy of the Chu and Talas rivers and the interstate coordination commission of the central Asia – to manage underground Waters. 60 > experts from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, as well as representatives of international and non -governmental organizations took part in the seminar. The results will be used as part of the new regional project on a low-carbon and resistant climate of the transformation of the water-earth-energy balance in Central Asia.