Crisis in DR Congo: Hundreds of thousands of people were left again without shelter

Forced immigrants in Northern Kiva, DRK. Crisis in DR Congo: Hundreds of thousands of people were left again without shelter Humanitarian assistance ~ 60 > in the UN Office for Refugees (UVKB) expressed serious concern in connection with rapidly worsening humanitarian conditions in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). Lack of access to forced immigrants seriously complicates the provision of assistance, today the representative of the UVKB Eugene Ben said during a press-brofing in Geneva. according to management, as a result of artillery shelling and looting in areas around Goma and Minov in the provinces of North and Southern Kiva, 70 thousand temporary shelters were destroyed. About 350 thousand internally displaced persons were left without shelter. growing risks ~ 60 > hundreds of thousands of people live in crowded temporary temporary temporary temporary temporary temporary temporary temporary temporary Shelters, churches, schools and hospitals, Ben said. According to her, people also suffer in Homom because of the growth of crime. The representative of the UVKB noted that about 100 thousand people unsuccessfully tried to return to their native places. Among the main obstacles to return, the forced immigrants call the danger of unexploded ammunition, destroyed housing and the absence of basic services. ~ 60 > 62 > 62 > 62 >The crisis continues to go deeper as people flee to areas, inaccessible to humanitarian aid, Ben emphasized. In Southern Kiv, more than half of organizations providing assistance to victims of sexual violence cannot reach those who need an unstable environment and the ongoing movement of people. In Northern Kiva, according to UVKB, many medical institutions, including hospitals and morgues, are destroyed, and the remaining are overflowing, as a result of which the risk of infectious diseases, such as cholera, malaria and measles. ~ 60 > prevent the catastrophe UVKB employees in the North and Southern Kiva continue to provide assistance within their capabilities. According to Ben, the locals do not know what to do: to stay unsafe, but there is nowhere to run. In Bukawa, where 1.3 million people live, instability is intensified, and many people are already starting to run south or in more remote areas. ~ 60 > in UVKB they are ready to continue work, however Without sufficient financial resources, opportunities are limited. The UN Office strongly urges the international community to expand support to prevent the aggravation of the humanitarian catastrophe in the DRC. It is also necessary to urgently stop combat operations. ~ 60 > “We urge all sides to stop attacking civil infrastructure and guarantee unhindered humanitarian access,” added Ben.


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