The UN Deputy Gamanitarian Affairs Problem has completed his visit to the Middle East
During a visit to Gaza, the Deputy General Secretary of the UN met with Palestinians who had lost the shelter as a result of the conflict. The UN Deputy Gamanitarian Affairs Problem has completed his visit to the Middle East Peace and safety ~ 60 > Deputy Secretary General for Humanitarian issues and the UN Extraindicator Tom Fletcher completed his visit to Israel and to the occupied Palestinian territory. During the visit, he held a number of meetings with representatives of the authorities, the humanitarian partners of the UN and those who are on the advanced line of humanitarian response. The head of the UN Agency for Palestinian Refugees on Friday again announced the adherence of Bapor to assist the population of Gaza and the West Coast, whose rights, according to him, continue to be violated. Philip Lazzarini wrote on social networks that the residents of Gaza are subjected to “systematic dehumanization” from the very beginning of the war. The head of the Bapor emphasized that human rights “cannot be applied selectively.” ~ 60 > Lazzarini comments were heard after the statement of US President Donald Trump that the United States should receive control over gas and Extract the entire Palestinian population of the sector. Recall that the UN Secretary General warned this week that it should be “avoiding all forms of ethnic cleansing.” In his statement, Lazzarini quoted the head of the UN, who emphasized that “the world requires the cessation of the occupation and creation of an independent Palestinian state with gas as an integral part.” ~ 60 > head of the Bapor added that employees added that employees The agencies are committed to continuing the provision of critically important assistance to Palestinian refugees: “These people will acutely need our support until the Palestinian state institutions will become a strong and viable alternative.” ~ 60 > 60 ~ h2 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 > 62 ~ 62 Bapor continues to work despite the difficulties of The Bapor is still faced with huge difficulties in performing his work. & Amp; nbsp; last month, two Israeli laws entered into force, which suspend the activities of the agency in Israel and in the occupied Palestinian territory, and also forbid the Israeli authorities to have any contacts with any contacts from Bapor. The authorities of Israel ordered the agency to free their premises in East Jerusalem, and visas for international personnel Bapor were not extended. & Amp; nbsp; ~ 60 >~ 60 > growth in the number of cases of death on the western bank almost half of all deaths among Palestinian children on the western bank of the Jordan River over the past two decades occurred in the last two years. This is stated in the UN Office for Coordination of Assistance (UKGV), published on Thursday. ~ 60 > from January 2023 224 children (218 boys and six girls) were killed, which is almost Half 468 cases of the death of children documented by VSL since the beginning of 2005. ~ 60 > “This statistics are generally consistent with the trends observed over the past two years,” the management said. excessive use of force ~ 60 > in the UKGV noted that in 2023 and 2024 64 percent of deaths among Palestinian children On the western bank of the Jordan River, they were on the northern part of the sector. 82 percent of these children were killed from firearms, 18 percent were killed as a result of air strikes. Over the same period, more than 2500 Palestinian children were injured. ~ 60 > “A significant number of children killed and wounded by combat bullets released by Israeli military, or as a result of air strikes, causes concern about the concern about Excessive and unjustified use of power by Israeli troops during operations on the west coast, ”said the VSGV.