Security Council: Gangs continue to sow fear among Haitian population

Совет Безопасности: банды продолжают сеять страх среди населения Гаити

Families in Haiti flee violence from armed gangs. Security Council: Gangs continue to sow fear in Haiti Peace and Security

Armed gangs in Haiti continue to sow fear in the population, but Haitians have hope for stability after years of unrest, natural disasters and economic crisis, UN Special Representative for the country Maria Isabel Salvador said at a Security Council meeting.

Humanitarian Disaster

Since she last briefed the UN Security Council three months ago, the situation in Haiti has worsened, Salvador said. More than 700,000 people have already been forced to flee their homes, a 22 percent increase in the number of displaced persons.

The political process, despite initial successes, faces significant challenges, the Special Representative noted. The security situation remains extremely volatile, and Haitians continue to suffer from gang violence. Local security agencies are unable to cope with the escalation.

The humanitarian situation has become even more dire, Salvador said, citing the brutal attack on Port Sond on October 3 that killed 115 residents and forced thousands to flee.

UN Strategy

The Rapporteur said the UN Integrated Office in Haiti (BINHU) mission had developed a comprehensive strategy to support the political process, including an inclusive national dialogue, the organization of elections, constitutional reform and strengthening security, in line with the mission’s extended mandate.

The reform plans, expected UN support and the prospect of elections by the end of next year had given Haitians “a glimmer of hope,” she said. However, the Special Representative warned of political tensions at the highest levels of the Haitian government. According to her statement, BUNIG is working to strengthen cooperation.

The Cycle of Violence

In turn, UNICEF Director Catherine Russell said that Haitian children are out of school and at risk of recruitment by armed groups. At the same time, access to aid remains difficult. In some cases, children are abandoned to their fate.

This year, UN agencies and partners have supported hundreds of thousands of people with food, medical and other assistance.

Russell urged Council members to make commitments, including using leverage against state actors and armed groups, and increasing funding for humanitarian activities in Haiti.


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