The Security Council held a meeting on Nord Streams at the initiative of the Russian Federation

В Совбезе по инициативе РФ прошло заседание по «Северным потокам»

UN Security Council. Photo from the archive A meeting on Nord Stream was held in the Security Council at the initiative of the Russian Federation Peace and Security

Russia will continue to “seek the truth” regarding the circumstances of the explosion of the Nord Stream and Nord Stream 2 pipelines, Vasily Nebenzya, the Russian Permanent Representative to the UN, said at the Security Council. Friday’s meeting was convened at the initiative of Russia on the occasion of the second anniversary of the incident.

RF: Lack of “transparency” and “covering up tracks”

Nebenzya expressed disappointment with the investigation of the incident conducted by German authorities, stating that “like the completed investigations in Denmark and Sweden,” it is being “absolutely non-transparent” for the RF. 

“And this despite the fact that Russia is definitely an affected party and sent requests for legal assistance to these three states, which were simply ignored,” Nebenzya said. 

He also noted that recently “the most incredible” versions of what happened have been emerging. According to Nebenzya, one of the explanations for this is “the desire of the customers and perpetrators of this crime to ‘cover their tracks’ and send the investigation down a false trail.”

The ambassador noted that Russia’s suspicions about Western countries’ involvement in the bombing “not only have not been dispelled,” but have “intensified.”

“Colleagues, if you think that with your obstructionist actions you are discouraging us and reducing our determination to seek to identify and punish those responsible for the bombing of Nord Stream, then you are very much mistaken. With each new sly maneuver of yours to obstruct the work of the Security Council on this issue, our determination to seek the truth only grows stronger,” Nebenzya said.

Earlier this year, despite the closure of several investigations at the country level, the Russian Federation called for further action by the international community. In March 2023, the UN Security Council rejected Russia’s resolution calling for an international investigation into the Nord Stream and Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline incidents. 

The damage has not yet been assessed

The UN previously stated that it did not have any additional details and could not verify or confirm the claims made in connection with these incidents.

In February 2023, the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) estimated the likely scale of the total methane leaks as a result of damage to the gas pipelines. It amounted to between 75,000 and 230,000 metric tons. The environmental impact of the incidents remains to be assessed.

Material is being updated…


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