Turkmenistan at the UN General Assembly: Environmental Protection, Neutrality and Support for Afghanistan

Туркменистан на Генассамблее ООН: защита природы, нейтралитет и поддержка Афганистана

Foreign Minister of Turkmenistan Rashid Meredov at the General Assembly rostrum. Turkmenistan at the UN General Assembly: Environmental Protection, Neutrality, and Support for Afghanistan UN

Foreign Minister of Turkmenistan Rashid Meredov spoke at the 79th session of the UN General Assembly, outlining four key priorities for his country: peace and security, sustainable development, climate change, and humanitarian issues.

The Minister noted that Turkmenistan adheres to the principles of the UN Charter, which include respect for sovereignty, equality and mutual respect.

Neutrality and Peace

Meredov emphasized that in 2025 the country will celebrate the 30th anniversary of the recognition of Turkmenistan’s neutral status by the UN General Assembly.

He called for neutral countries to be granted the status of “priority partners” in UN peacekeeping efforts. The Minister particularly noted Turkmenistan’s leadership in preparation for 2025, declared the International Year of Peace and Trust.

Solidarity with Afghanistan

Meredov emphasized Turkmenistan’s role in supporting reconstruction efforts in Afghanistan. He mentioned major infrastructure projects such as the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India gas pipeline, as well as the construction of power lines, fiber-optic networks, and railways.

In addition, the Foreign Minister noted the assistance his country provides to Afghanistan, including the construction of social facilities and the education of Afghan students in Turkmenistan.

Sustainable Development Goals

Meredov called on the international community to support a number of initiatives of Turkmenistan. Among them are proposals to create a Global Framework Program for the Transition to a Circular Economy, a Global Atlas of Sustainable Transport Connectivity, and an Alliance for Global Energy Security and Sustainable Development.

The Minister emphasized Turkmenistan’s commitment to overcoming humanitarian crises, protecting motherhood and children, and ensuring the rights of refugees and stateless persons. In particular, he noted that the country recently granted citizenship to more than 32,000 refugees and stateless persons, fulfilling previously set goals.

Environmental Protection

Meredov called for more active UN involvement in saving the Aral Sea and noted Turkmenistan’s recent initiatives, including the creation of the UN Special Program for the Aral Sea Basin.

He also called for comprehensive measures to address desertification and water management in the region.

The Caspian Sea, according to Meredov, is another serious environmental problem. He stressed the need for global cooperation to protect the unique ecosystem of the Caspian Sea, proposing the Caspian Environmental Initiative as a platform for dialogue with international partners.

Global Challenges

Meredov concluded his speech by stating that he believes in the “enormous creative potential” of the UN and its role in ensuring peace, security and sustainable development.

“Turkmenistan will continue to contribute to solving global challenges for the sake of the future of the world,” he said.


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