Over two years, the IAEA has carried out more than 140 missions to nuclear facilities in Ukraine

За два года МАГАТЭ осуществила на ядерных объектах Украины более 140 миссий

IAEA Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi (left). The IAEA has carried out over 140 missions to Ukrainian nuclear facilities in two years Peace and Security

Since establishing a permanent presence at Ukrainian nuclear facilities two years ago, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has sent over 140 missions to the country to provide assistance and support. This was announced by IAEA Director General Rafael Mariano Grossi, speaking at the opening of the 68th IAEA General Conference on Monday. 

Currently, IAEA experts are stationed at the Zaporizhia Nuclear Power Plant, which is in a state of cold shutdown, at the closed Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, as well as at the operating nuclear power plants in Ukraine: Rivne, Khmelnytsky and Yuzhno-Ukrainskaya. In late August, Grossi also visited the Kursk Nuclear Power Plant in Russia.

“No nuclear power plant should be attacked under any circumstances, regardless of where it is located,” the IAEA chief emphasized.

Iran’s Nuclear Program

Moving on to the topic of the Iranian nuclear program, Grossi again stated that he hopes for productive interaction with the new president of Iran. “The IAEA is working hard,” he said, “to provide the international community with credible assurances that Iran’s nuclear programme will be pursued exclusively by peaceful means.”

“There are challenges ahead, but they are not insurmountable,” he added. 

Rays of Hope

In February 2022, the IAEA launched the Rays of Hope: Cancer Treatment for All project, in coordination with the World Health Organization. Since then, 86 countries have approached the agency as part of the programme. Work is already underway in 30 countries. This involves providing equipment, training and, in some cases, building cancer centers. 

“We must continue to develop this noble mission,” Grossi concluded. 


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