Ukraine: Red Cross workers killed, cargo ship shelled in Black Sea

Украина: гибель сотрудников Красного Креста и обстрел грузового судна в Черном море

Safe transportation of agricultural products across the Black Sea is crucial to ensuring stability in food markets. In the photo: Black Sea. Photo from the archive Ukraine: Red Cross workers killed, cargo ship shelled in the Black Sea Peace and security

The UN is outraged by the murder of three Red Cross workers killed in a strike in Donbas. Also, in light of the shelling of a ship carrying grain in the Black Sea, the press service of the Organization recalled that international law prohibits attacks on civilian ships and port infrastructure.

Threats to shipping in the Black Sea

“This [incident] is a stark reminder that civilian vessels continue to face threats in the Black Sea,” UN spokesman Stephane Dujarric said in response to a question from reporters. – Attacks on civilian vessels and port infrastructure, including grain storage facilities, are prohibited by international law and must stop.”

The UN representative stressed that the safe transportation of agricultural products through the Black Sea is critical to maintaining global food security and the stability of world food prices. 

The death of Red Cross workers

Joyce Msuya, Acting Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs, expressed her outrage that humanitarian workers continue to face threats while carrying out their professional duties.

Today, three employees of the International Committee of the Red Cross were killed as a result of shelling in the Donetsk region of Ukraine. Msuya stressed that humanitarian workers, like all civilians, must be protected from attacks.

“In Ukraine, our colleagues from the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) told us that their employees were killed as a result of shelling at a pre-arranged aid distribution point on the front line in the Donetsk region in the east of the country,” UN Press Secretary Stephane Dujarric said during a briefing in New York. – Two other employees were wounded when a shell hit the organization’s vehicle.”              

He reiterated his call on the parties to respect international humanitarian law, including taking appropriate precautions to ensure the safety of humanitarian personnel during the fighting.

“We, of course, offer our deepest condolences to our colleagues from the International Committee of the Red Cross,” Dujarric added.

Fighting in Ukraine

Today’s deadly attack in the Donetsk region comes amid ongoing fighting in other parts of Ukraine. In the northeast of the country, humanitarian workers are currently helping people injured in the overnight shelling of the Sumy region. According to Ukrainian authorities, civilians in the city of Konotop were injured, and homes and civilian infrastructure were damaged, leaving the city without electricity and water.

Aid to residents of Kharkiv region                  

The UN and the organization’s partners continue to provide assistance to residents of the frontline areas of the Kharkiv region. The day before, a UN-led convoy delivered essential hygiene supplies to the region’s most vulnerable residents, including the elderly and people with disabilities. This is the seventh convoy to deliver aid to the Kharkiv region this year.  


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