Sports Diplomacy in Action: General Assembly Adopts Resolution on UN Friendship Games

Спортивная дипломатия в действии: Генассамблея приняла резолюцию по Играм дружбы ООН

Participants of the UN Friendship Games. Sports Diplomacy in Action: General Assembly Adopts Resolution on UN Friendship Games Culture and Education

On Friday, the General Assembly adopted a resolution on the UN Friendship Games – a sports competition for representatives of diplomatic missions in New York and staff of the UN Secretariat and agencies. They were first held in April this year at the initiative of Turkmenistan. 

The games were attended by more than 300 people from 85 countries. They competed in eight sports: football, basketball, volleyball, tennis, pickleball, running, chess and yoga.

A resolution, which notes the potential role of the UN Friendship Games as a platform for “sports diplomacy” and calls for them to be held annually, was submitted by Turkmenistan and India. Its co-authors were 87 states.

At the meeting of the General Assembly, it was noted that the first Friendship Games in April embodied the spirit of mutual respect, trust and cooperation between the diplomatic missions of the UN member states and representatives of the Secretariat of the Organization, and also clearly demonstrated the transformative power of sport in overcoming stereotypes and strengthening tolerance.

Permanent Representative of Turkmenistan to the UN Aksoltan Atayeva emphasized that the resolution is aimed at creating a solid platform for the implementation of sports diplomacy at the UN – one of the main priorities of Turkmenistan’s foreign policy.

The second Friendship Games are proposed to be held in April 2025 – with the participation of all UN member states.


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